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I am
My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)
I'm updating for the sake of informing
Monday. 3.12.07 2:23 am
I'm going camping. Tomorrow.
With my youth.

Helena's coming, too.
You know. The whale.
lol...(what?! That's what her avvie is!)

I'll be back Wednesday. It's going to be fun/crazy. 20 kiddos with hormones.
It's moments like these I wish I had tranquilizer guns...

After that on Thursday, Helena and I are boltin' out of here and headin' to New Awlins (New Orleans, to the lame). I'm going to see my best friend's last performance at her university. Helena forced her way upon this trip for the sake of the city itself.

We'll be back Saturday evening sometime.
Hopefully we won't be mugged or shaht (shot) while we're there. We're doing this as cheap as possible, which means a nice and shady motel the second night, while the first one is spent sleeping in shifts as we drive to the city itself.
Do we travel in style or WHAT?

Oh. I guess this'll also explain why Helena won't be posting any time soon either.
She feels horrible for doing this while her pop's in the hospital, but she can't really back out now. So I guess give her encouragement and all that crap.

So yeah. There.

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Adimantium words
Saturday. 3.3.07 12:48 am
According to some friends as of late, I remind them of Wolverine.
If that's so, all I have to say is,

This week's been rough.

But then again, food poisoning is never the best way to start a week.
I always knew that there was a reason for my distrust of Jack in the Box...

My mom's silly. I love her. She's the most caring, loving, and sweet person around, but sometimes she says things that are pretty ridiculous. Like blaming a friend of mine for any bad luck I have with my vehicle. She hates it when I drive anywhere near her. So what if it just happened to be that she was there with me during a few of my car accidents? It's not like she leaned across her seat and grabbed my wheel or anything.
Point is, at 3 a.m. Monday morning as I was throwing up into the restroom sink after having already vomited the first half out in the backyard, my mom comes up to the door and asks "What's going on?!" Between vomits I uttered, "I'm throwing up." I heard her go back to bed. After a couple more gushes of inside yumminess, I stare at the sink, turn on the faucet. That didn't help. I pull up my pants (I was on the toilet when I realized I had to vomit at that EXACT second. Sorry had to be shared to understand the rest of this.) and go to my old room's closet and pull out a wire coat hanger. I try it on the sink. That doesn't work either. I go to my mom's room, "Ma, do we have anything to unclog pipes?" My mom stirs from her dark room, "Why?" she muttered. "Because I think I clogged the sink." After a pause, "Well, why didn't you vomit into the toilet?!"
My mom's funny. She reminds me of me sometimes.
I didn't get to sleep until 5:30 or so. I had been up since 2.

So, I missed my Stage Craft class on Monday. I was upset. I wanted to go.

Work isn't going too fun, either. As the ONLY tutor. It's a lot of work.
That's an understatement.
It started out allright, I guess. Then Wednesday came. You see, as a tutor, I have to log everyone's times down (when they come in and when they go out), along with what they worked on and whether they understand it and so forth. Of course, I also have to help out whatever student's need help with. Individually. Wednesday I had thirteen students come in. I had to make sure I had everyone's times correct and help out Victor with his Algebra 2, Savanna with her essay, show a couple other students find college information, find something for some of the students that had no work to do something to work on, and so on. All simultaneously.
Victor was the toughest to work with. I have a hard time with Algebra 2 and up. I wasn't hired to help with this kind of homework. But the other tutor's quit. So I have no choice. And Victor is a big ol' football player that has Algebra two with his football buddies, so he never pays attention in class. Hence, I have to basically TEACH him what they learned that day. This would be fine and dandy, if he appreciated it. Or at least pretended he cared about his own work.
Thursday was the first day for me to be pissed. He came in and told me to hurry up and help him. Told me. I let it slide. He then told me to get a calculator since I was closer to the cabinet. Told me. Again. I asked him, "You mean, will I get you a calculator, not GIVE me a calculator, right?" I looked at him, hoping that he wasn't foolish. "No." He responded and kept talking to some of the other students that weren't logged in or working on anything. "I'll take that as a YES." I responded loud enough for the whole class to hear. I'll let that one slide. Again. He doesn't know me. Not to mention my boss who comes in only on Thursdays was in the room and other students were around. I'm not one for public shaming. The rest of the time was spent with me basically putting everything down to it's simplest form to where he basically had to just plug things into equations. I tried to make sure he was getting what I was trying to show him. He wasn't responsive and hardly listened. Halfway through I stopped caring. Stupid wants to stay stupid. That's fine by me. I want to see genius try to do this through college. No amount of football will get him through it. It's not like he even plays well. Everyone knows. I was pissed for the rest of the evening. I decided I would have a chat with him next time he needed my help.
Today (Friday), he came in. I asked him if he was staying or just stopping by. He said he wasn't staying. I ceased to listen to him from that point on. At one point or another I'm sure he realized I wasn't paying attention to him and began talking to Crisitna, my supervisor. Luckily no students had come in just yet which allowed me time to set stuff up. I then overheard Victor mention how he wants out of the program because it's not fun anymore and how it was better when Monica was here (the person who had Cristina's position, but left to go to a different location within the same program). Cristina responded to that remark with, "Didn't she just let y'all do WHATEVER?" He smiled and said, "Yeah, that's why she was cool. Not like you guys." Without even looking at him I threw in my two cents, "So, where is she now? Was she cool enough to just leave you guys?" He didn't respond. Cristina agreed with what I said and continued the conversation. She too has been getting fed up with the way she's treated. Victor left. Then Cristina left to go to her office and work on stuff. Then some other students arrived. Johnny and Jenaro. Along with them, Victor. Johnny had to work on some stuff and since Jenaro rode with Johnny, he came along. Jenaro and Victor were talking. That was none of my concern. I signed in Johnny and he got to work. Baron, another student, came in. I signed him and began to help him on his Algebra. Jenaro and Victor began to play with ringtones on someone's phone. It began to get distracting. "Hey guys, could you cut that out?"

"Shuttup, pussy." were the words uttered back. It was Victor.

I snapped out of my chair and stood where they were clearly visible to me.
A thousand things went through my head within that millisecond. I chose what was best.
"That's it, Victor. That's enough. That is the last time."
I looked into his eyes and saw shock and confusion.
He tried to play it off cool and funny as usual.
"What? You want to take it to the streets?" He managed to say back without hardly any strength behind those words. Everyone knew those words carried as much weight as a feather.
"I don't deal with your street games."

Johnny looks up at me and says, "I didn't say nothin'. You know that right? You know I wouldn't disrespect you like that, right?"
I didn't even look at him. My eyes were still fixed on Victor.
"I know, Johnny. I know you wouldn't."
Johnny's a good kid. He just tends to hang out with the wrong crowd. I must admit it was quite odd seeing Jenaro being quiet, though.
I went back to helping Baron.
Later on Victor pissed off Cristina. He had thrown a cheezit at her.

Supposedly we're getting a couple other tutors this coming week. Both of them for math and science I believe.

I can only pray so.

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