Lyndee-Ness lyndeep Age. 39 Gender. Female Ethnicity. White Girl (Italian Ancestries) Location Lexington, KY School. » More info. Hello, My name is Fabulous.
I am: Married A Gemini A Libertarian Momma 4.0 Student My life is made enjoyable by: Music Photography Art in all forms Food Happiness Nature Animals Culture Little Peices of Me Love Me? Subscribe to this to blog if you would like to be emailed whenever it is updated. | Sometimes Monday. 6.21.10 7:23 pm I wish I were full of courage and that I just could say the things that I think. I wish I didn't care so much about other people's opinions of me and that I weren't so self-concious and that I had the confidence to be myself out loud. I don't know what my deal is right now, maybe I'm just tired and feeling emo.. I have been so busy lately and well I'm shitty with stress (which always comes with being busy for me lol). I've got this semi-secret drama with my neighbor and I don't know how aware of it she is but I'd bet she's at least somewhat aware of it. Her stray cat feeding/hoarding is causing it... Marc is having knee surgery friday.. I'm working taking care of a 3yr old and 1yr old through the week (Miles LOVES that though lol).. My birthday was this weekend and there was so much else going on too.. blah blah. I guess I'll be back whenever I randomly have 5 minutes lol. Comment! (2) | Recommend! It's here!! Friday. 6.4.10 12:00 pm It's finally time! OMG OMG OMG YAY!! On another note, while a nebulizer may make Miles feel better he sure as shit does not like having it strapped to his face. Longer update in a week unless I randomly have a computer and free time at the beach lol. Comment! (4) | Recommend! I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything is right Saturday. 5.22.10 3:44 pm Top 5 reasons tonight is going to ROCK: 5. Miles is spending the night with mamaw and papaw. 4. We aren't utterly broke. 3. I got adorable new suspender shorts...on $3 clearance at that. 2. I have the most fabulous, awesome, instant confidence boosting cowbow boots ever to wear with the awesome new suspender shorts. 1. Buck and Jess are down from NY visiting folks and Katie's first weekend off in FOREVER is this weekend and we're all going out! Whoot. Comment! (2) | Recommend! Breaking Down Thursday. 5.13.10 5:35 pm Comment! (5) | Recommend! So Tuesday. 5.11.10 1:13 pm I intended on writing a really awesome blog today but now I just want to bitch and moan about my teething child with a cold and possibly a stomach that just vomitted all over my favorite warm fuzzy pink robe. Bitch, moan, bitch bitch bitch, moan moan BITCH. Yep that's about all I got. Oh yeah, he's also refusing to drink Milk..bitch bitch moan moan. And his bloodwork came back and we don't know whats causing the random hives bc he isn't showing any allergies. Bitch bitch moan moan... Well I'm off to prepare for his doc appt. Ah the life of a mom, hope y'all all did something nice for yours on sunday. Comment! (2) | Recommend! Oh, Em, Geeeeeee Friday. 5.7.10 8:45 am I am so exhausted. Mom stayed a couple extra days because the roads were flooded over in a lot of the areas she had to drive home and then I've just been constantly busy during and since. I have a photoshoot coming up this weekend with a friend of mine who is an aspiring R & B singer so hopefully I'll get some great photos, keep your fingers crossed! I have my blackberry and the phone and text is working on it but the MMS and internet is not which means it is soft flashed and not full flashed like I payed for and the guy is taking forever to get back with me each time but I'm hopeful we will get it all worked out. Miles birthday party was tons of fun, here's a few pics to sum it up: The little cows were the "goddie bags" for the kids, they had a lolli, a lipgloss and a tag that said "Thank Mooo for helping me celebrate my 1st birthday!", I'm pretty proud of my adorable and creative idea lol. His favorite present lol Cakes It was supposed to have a big 1 but for some reason they put #1 4-ever lol. We decided to let it slide since he is #1 4-ever to us. We don't what the deal with the # is on this one, it's not even from the same city much less the same place lol. He kept putting his tractor in his cake lol, but it did look like dirt. I'm a nerd but I was so excited about these tractor balloons lol. Sorry for the photo overload lol. Comment! (5) | Recommend! |
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