Monday. 7.11.11 12:02 am
i know everyone else on here has gotten invites from other users on nutang, but I was wondering if anyone wants to, I can invite as well :) leave your email, and tell me you want an account, and i'll invite you!
also, for everyone who already has google+, do you guys want to be friends, and/or aquaintances, i suppose? lol. just leave a comment with your email, and i'll find you.
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Saturday. 7.9.11 2:37 pm
i want to just punch people in the face.
That sound's horrible, it really does. But sometimes, I really just think people deserve to be slapped, or punched for the things they do. I mean, I'm sure I deserve to be punched in the face too lol.
In general sometimes too, I look at people and wonder if I would win in a fight xD. Being heavy set, I'm pretty sure I can beat a lot of people up LOL.
But when it comes down to it, I know that punching someone won't solve anything. And also, Jesus said turn the other cheek ya know?
So I'll turn the other cheek...
with my fist!
(quote taken from angela johnson)
oh, and i'm just kidding. I won't hit anyone, hopefully lol.
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