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Is This You?
KUHL entries...not so much?
What's All This Talk-Talk?!?
Oh no...it's ME!
Personal Info
01: Name: Lauren, Lorenzo, Pull-My-Ass
02: d.o.b: December 19
03: location: Earth
04: religion: none...be what you are, not what you believe.
05: sex: female, yo!
06: occupation: student

01: Hair: Dark brown...but if you look closely, I swear...I have red highlights
02: Eyes: "Deep" brown
03: Height: 5'6" and one half, damn it.
04: weight: 125

01: clothing: what?...I don't have a style...I wear clothes?
02: Music: Rock/Alternative, Classic Rock, Oldies, Prince (he is his own entity)...the list goes on
03: makeup?: Days when I'm feeling particularly ugly
04: Body Art: Nope

Right Now
01: wearing: 25 layers because it's fucking cold!
02: listening to: Third Eye Blind
03: Thinking of: All the things I have to do that I haven't done yet, i.e. laundry and homework
04: feeling: FREEZING

Last Thing You
01: bought: Mocha Almond Fudge ice cream from Little Lucca
02: talked to: In person? Not family? Umm...Erica? No...Ali.
03: ate and drank: Rolled cabbage(but it wasn't really rolled), and water?
04: read: The newspaper...oh..watch out...intellectual coming your way...
05: watched on TV: Documentary on Lucil Ball...so sad. Love her.

Either / Or
01: club or houseboat: Um...club...I think.
02: tea or coffee: Coffee
03: high achiever or slacker: You konw how poeple say that poeple are multi...sided? Well...I'm a slacker. That's it.
04: beer or cider: Cider, baby. Beer is gross...ewww...*VIRGINAL*
05: drinks or shots: Sadly...I'm kinda...straight edge...*L*
06: cats or dogs: Dogs...no, cats! No, dogs! I don't know. Not fond of either.
07: single or taken: Forever single (not by choice)
08: pen or pencil: Pencil...so many things to erase...
09: gloves or mittens: Glovies!
10: food or candy: Food...I know...CRAZY!
11: cassette or cd: CD
12: coke or pepsi: Pepsi
13: hard or mild alcohol: Hello...*straight edge*
14: matches or a lighter: Lighters...I finally figured out how to use 'em...j/k...
15: sunset beach of the bold and the beautiful: Um...green? False?
16: ricki lake or oprah winfrey: Oprah...she's coo.

Who Do You Want To
01: kill: If I would get away with it...the list is a little long...I have a "Shit List" from 8th grade that I STILL add to to this day!
02: shag: Hmm...*sly face*
03: slap: Everyone.
05: get really wasted with: A really good friend...or a REALLY hot guy. Haha...no..j/k. I'm not THAT sleezy. lol.
06: tickle: My...leg?
07: look like: Someone...gorgeous...like...really hot...Angelina Jolie
08: be like: Me?
09: avoid: People who try to molester you on the bus...*cringes*

01: food: Sushi
02: drink: So...da? Yeah, soda. No...milk. Ugh, I feel like I'm 4.
03: color: Transparent
04: album: Way too many. Well, actually, I can't answer this because I'm very indecisive.
05: shoes: Um...8? I don't know. If it's what I have the most of...Converse?
06: site: www.maddox.xmission.com ...good shit right there.
07: dance: Like I'm spazing out...no...I don't know...slow?
08: song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen...Rick is right.
09: vegetable: Pizza?
10: fruit: Plums
11: berry: Raz?

Last Person
01: you touched: Ali, maybe?
02: talked to: you already asked this ...
03: instant messaged: Bizonca
04: had a crush on: I don't think I can say.

Where Do You ...
01: eat: Anywhere?
02: dance: everywhere ...
03: cry: In my...eyes? Or room, I guess.
04: are you alone: Ew...this is getting kinda creepy.

Do ...
01: do you hear voices in your head: Nooo...*swings at imaginary friend*
02: do people stare at you?: Why would they...well...unless I was doing something odd...so then...Yes...people always stare at me..
03: do they talk about you?: I don't know
04: do you somehow think that you can sense and feel certain things?: Sometimes I think I do, but I really don't.

What Did You Do ...
1 day ago: Watching a movie
1 week ago: Work day
5 minutes ago: Filling out this retarded survey
5 days ago: Yet again...AT school
5 weeks ago: I don't fucking know...hopping, skipping, or kicking someone.
5 months ago: Cleaning my room...?
5 years ago: I was stealing candy from the store...heh...

I ...
i hurt: My head hurts...I just hit it on the table...don't ask
i love: "Resting my eyes"
i hate: My...i don't know...
i fear: Being hauled away to a mental institution
i hope: for many things
i break: everything
i listen: to people's conversations...
i hide: from the people in my house
i breathe: Oxygen...air...what?
i play: games with little people (aka midgets, but they don't like that term)
i miss: L.A.
i learn: nothing from my mistakes
i feel: sleepy.
i know: too much...
i dream: of my happy place
i want: good things
i fell: on my ass in an ice skating rink, and it hurt like a mother...
i wait: for someone to come whisk me off my feet...psh! Yeah right.
i need: Sleep...maybe a newspaper.

-last movie you saw: Secondhand Lions...ugh! So good.
-last movie you saw on the big screen: Um...I think it was the 3rd Lord of the Rings
-last phone number you called: Mi hermana...
-last show you watched on TV: Show? I'm watching MAD tv.
-last song you heard: Oh god...um...The Reason?
-last thing you had to drink: water
-last thing you ate: "Rolled" cabbage
-last time you showered: Today
-last time you cried: Ummmm...
-last time you smiled: I don't know...
-last time you laughed: Just now(hello..MAD tv)
-last person you hugged: Jen...?
-last thing you said: Ew...
-last person you talked to online: BIZONCA!
-last thing you smelled: Cabbage

Do You...-smoke: no
-do drugs: no
-drink: no
-have sex: no
-sleep with stuffed animals: no...i swear. heh...
-have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Haha...that's funny. No.
-have a dream that keeps coming back: No...
-play an instrument: "guitar"
-believe there is life on other planets: suuure...?
-read the newspaper: Yeah...*L*
-have any gay or lesbian friends: yes
-believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: "not forever. because most people die and stuff." ~rick
-consider yourself tolerant of others: Usually..unless your name starts with q...or...zh
-like the taste of alcohol: no
-have a favorite stooge: Larry...no...I don't know
-believe in astrology: Not in particular
-believe in magic: Sometimes...if it has to do with a rabbit...
-go to church: Nope
-have any secrets: HELL yeah.
-have any pets: No...I killed them all...whoops.
-go to or plan to go to college: yes
-have a degree: no.
-talk to strangers who instant message you: If I'm bored
-wear hats: sometimes
-pray: no
-have any piercings: One my ears
-have any tattoos: nope
-wish on stars: no
-like your handwriting: no, it's U-G-L-Y..gross!
-have any bad habits: yes
-believe in witches: no
-believe in Satan: when I'm having a crappy day
-believe in ghosts: no
-believe in Santa: no
-believe in the Easter Bunny: no
-believe in the tooth fairy: no
-have a second family: yeah
-trust others easily: sometimes
-like sarcasm: NO...ya' think?!
-take walks in the rain: sure
-sing in the shower: psh...what kinda of questin is that?...duh!
Yeah, You're No Fucking SINGER
Friday, February 27, 2004
mood: Fucking KUHL!
watching: Thirteen

Oh, cool. Well, yes...no. I am NOT a singer...no. I didn't even make it to the fuckin' call backs. Isn't it great? But I'M not bitter. No, no.

Holy shiat! I just watched that fucking crazy-ass movie, Thirteen...Dude. WHAT...the fuck?!? Those chicks are so fucking fucked up. And they're only in 7th grade! Duuude...craaaaazy shizzit.

Fes rocks...haha...FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!?! AHH! *deep breath* I'm OKAY! *Whew* Yes. *ahem*


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And Just LOOK Down
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

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I'd Hold Open Your EARS
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
listening to: my sister's conversation on the phone

HOLY JIBBAJIZES! I'm kinda satisfied with that way I sang for the auditions...Ms. Leung was smiling, and Mr. Crowell looked okay too. Heh heh.

Yes...hmm...nothing else, really...just REALLY...excited/nervous/other stuff...

MEH! I'm going to die if I don't see that DRN call back list...NOW! *ahem*


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Monday, February 23, 2004
mood: Anxious
listening to: Damien Rice, y0

NnnFLARGEN! GAH! I didn't go today! I was supposed to...but NNNOOO! I had to be number 2-fuckin'-7! JEEZE LAWEEZE! Oh, and for those of you who have NO idea what the hell I'm talking about, I went to audition for the upcoming musical, You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown. Man...I don't think I'll even be able to go tomorrow. Rico...you need to be there to encourage me...You too, Bianca! I can't go this alone!

Hmm...nothing much else to talk about... Sorry, I just think that's the silliest thing ever. Tee-hee.


p.s. GOD! Can't anyone understand that I can't do everything for everyone ALL at the same time?!?

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Sunday, February 22, 2004
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

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Sunday, February 22, 2004
listening to: musak

Well, well...look at this. Just another one of those conformists. It feels great. I love it. I can't get enough of it.

I should be doing the yay-fun paper for English so I can go out with Rico and Banaca, but I'm not. I'd like to say I'm a last minute kinda person, but I'm not. Sucks for me.


Yes. Well, no worries to all my faithful Xang-ers (if I even have any), the Xanga is not dead. Not untill I get to lazy to update two things. Don't lose hope...yet.


p.s. Isn't it great not having to help clean out the garage because you're "doing homework"?

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