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Welcome!! I am trying a new layout and I don't know how this is gonna work out exactly... or even if it will... but what the heck.... right?? You can't make an omelette without first breaking some eggs!! This is gonna take me a while to fix so please be patient with me!

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About Me

I am a 41 year old mother of two. Anthony (age 9) and Aeryn (age 14). I have two dogs and two cats and a WONDERFUL significant other!! I am an environmental activist and an advocate of volunteering your time to do things to make our planet a better place for the future!! Although I live in Spokane, Washington now... I will forever consider Seattle to be home and I do go back several times a year for actions and other events.


I have many hobbies and things I do for fun. I belong to a medieval recreation group and have (finally) achieved my knighthood in archery. If my body holds out... I hope to get my second one in combat... though that will still be a ways off because i get really nervous about whacking my FRIENDS with kendo shinai.
I am also an artist. I do A LOT of art builds for various activist groups I follow because they know I'm good at making the signs they need. I've done signs for political causes, social justice causes, and mostly... environmental causes. My main medium is paint and recycled cardboard.

Environmental Activism

Besides my family... i have one true love in life. Environmental Activism. I was locked up as a teenager... and while I was there... we were told to find something we are passionate about... and find a club or group to sign up with. I was SOOOOO pissed when they wouldn't let me join Greenpeace...
Nowadays... I belong to a group called Spokane Rising Tidewhich is a part of Rising Tide North America. We have done environmental actions from protesting Megaloads in Sandpoint, Idaho to planning a MASSIVE action (Coming In May) Portland, Oregon. BreakFree will be held in Anacortes, Washington and you can Click Here for more information on that!!
A Few Actions I've Been A Part Of
Megaload Protesting In Sandpoint, Idaho
sHellNo's Luminary Flotilla in Elliott Bay, Seattle, Washington
Not Another Haiyan March and Blockade in Seattle WA
and coming up in may I will be a part of Break Free PNW in Anacortes, Washington

What's Next??

In June... I am going to a really awesome summer camp for activist on Vashon island. I've been to Action Camp before but it is REALLY REALLY fun and you can never learn too much as an activist. After that though... my calendar is still pretty open for the moment. There are bomb train hearings in Spokane but I never know for sure what I'm going to do till right before the event!!!

Journal Entries

My proudest moment as an activist was at the People's Climate March. My son, who was 7 at the time stood up with a chant sheet and got the ENTIRE crowd to follow his lead in the chants. I have never been more inspired as a parent as I was to hear my baby yelling. BOMB TRAINS?!?! and a hundred people responding to him. INSANE!!!!
Why Do I Do What I Do?
As an activist, i get that question... A LOT! Over time my answer has gotten shorter and simpler... but no less true. I fight for my planet at the risk of my life and freedom because someone has to. Nothing changes if no one stands up for Mother Earth. We may be different colors, we may have different spiritual paths and lifestyles... but one thing we ALL need to remember is that we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS and without Mother Earth... we do not exist.

  • I believe that what I do will have an effect
  • I am stubborn
  • I have many useful skills
  • I am dedicated to my cause
If you live in the NW corner of the US..Read This!!
Monday. 2.22.16 1:31 pm
mood: uneasy... to say the least

Not quite on the same level as Jade Helm... but really.. this is kinda scary.. It will appear to be a massive scale military/state/etc exercise that no civilian will understand but no one in charge will have all the necessary answers for... and it COULD cause panic.... I don't live in Seattle anymore ( I live on the geologically safer side of the state.. in Spokane) but when exactly are they planning on letting state residents in on the secret... (If it's not a secret.. why have most people not heard of this before now....) Anyway, Read this!!! If nothing else....it's good info to have!!

Click here to read the Exercise Scenario Document

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Intensely Strange Feelings
Sunday. 2.21.16 8:09 pm
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

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And hilarity ensues....
Saturday. 2.20.16 8:45 pm
mood: amusement....

watching: NCIS... still...

What do you do when a six pound Shih Tzu (Ruby Roo) tries to pick up a cat (Zombie.. or Zeezzy) bigger than she is??

Believe me... you laugh. Hysterically!! My dog has helped raise my cat since she was born but it's realllllly funny to see her try to pick the cat up now... the dog is 8 inches tall but the cat has a few inches on her!! In no way is there enough clearance there for her to pick her up. Hopefully i can get them to sit still long enough to actually get a picture of the two of them together soon,

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It works!!!!
02/20/2016 2:52:28 PM
mood: Happy!!!

watching: NCIS

HUZZAH!!!! It works now.... MANY (!!!) thanks to Thaitanic for the code (thereby saving me from my own dumbass attack!!) You're much appreciated :)

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