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Study break
Thursday. 12.8.05 9:42 pm
I have a midterm for Economics and Geography tomorrow, but I thought I'd take a short hiatus from racking my brain with knowledge to update my nuTang. It's been chilly here in San Diego lately, at least to me, and I just realized how ill equipped I am for it. I have worn all my clothes for the cold already and I am resorting to layering a bunch of who knows what together just to get by. I definitely know what I need for the holidays: THERMALS.

O, and I read about that plane that skidded off the runway or something in Chicago. Hope everything is well over there as well as for the rest of the world.

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Myspace Music
Friday. 11.25.05 4:33 pm
I uploaded some songs of some singing I did earlier this morning just to add some substance to my myspace music profile. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.

Here's the link:



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