All about me niktoto Age. 52 Gender. Female Ethnicity. see for yourself Location Seattle, WA School. Other » More info. Visitors | i got me a clean foot Friday. 5.21.04 11:05 pm i finally got the bandages off my foot today. the stiches are still in but at least i can take a bath with both feet in the tub. i can't wait to get the stiches out now. they come out next thursday. at least i can say that i don't get a sunburn after being in the sun for 7 minutes like rick. Comment! (0) | Recommend! sick of my foot Tuesday. 5.18.04 8:40 pm i am soooooooooo sick of the stiches in my left foot. i don't get them out until next thursday. my doc is going to rewrap my foot this thursday. i can pretty much get around now without my cane but i still use it at work to get sympathy. ;-) not really. although it had been great to have people get my lunch for me. the problem is that my favorite part of my job is walking around talking to people and i can't do that very well now. bummer! Comment! (0) | Recommend! watching live tv sucks Tuesday. 5.18.04 8:33 pm now that i have tivo i hate watching live tv. take tonight for example. american idol is almost unbearable without being able to skip through the judges comments and all the commercials. btw - why is jasmine still in the competition? she seriously sucks. i can't believe that latoya was voted off last week. something is totally screwed up. i think the crazy people who voted for jpl are now voting for jasmine as spoilers. i am sure that fantasia is the only person on american idol whose cd i would buy. she has an amazing voice and stage presence. Comment! (4) | Recommend! lindsey is the best Friday. 5.14.04 9:28 pm my friend lindsey came over tonight. she just graduated from massage school and passed her final certification test. she gave me a massage since i have been laid up after my surgery and the muscles in my legs are so tight from walking funny with the stupid boot. my right hand is also messed up from gripping and putting so much pressure on my cane. i feel so much better after the massage. mike made pasta for us afterward and we chatted for a while about guys, clothes, and work stuff. fun! Comment! (3) | Recommend! american idol Wednesday. 5.12.04 10:18 pm american idol is getting a little predictable wouldn't you say. i mean we all know that fantasia has been best the best performer all along and latoya has the best voice. they will be the top two and then fantasia will win because she is more fun and interesting.
i missed jasmine's second performance tonight because my dog unplugged my tv. even sigmund knows she stinks compared to the other girls. i assume she didn't do well because when i got the tv back on she was crying in front of the judges. ouch! Comment! (2) | Recommend! my shopping trip last sunday Sunday. 5.9.04 8:18 pm last sunday i met my personal shopper at nordstrom. she was awesome. when i got there she took me to a dressing room already filled with great clothes my size. i was really surprised by the clothes that looked good on me. i ended up buying a size small skirt. i don't know how that is possible but it fit and look great so i bought it. the colors she wanted me to wear were alot brighter than i normally choose. she told me to stay away from black because my skin is so pale. i ended up buying 2 skirts, 1 dress, 3 pairs of pants, and a binch of tops. i also got 2 pairs of sandals.
the new wardrobe i just bought was a reward for losing weight. i think i lost a total of 25 pounds and none of my clothes fit anymore. i am totally paranoid about gaining all the weight back while i am a cripple though. i won't be able to play soccer or run for 3 months. actually i can't do much of anything for a while. i have to pretty much stay off my feet for three weeks while my stiches are in. once they come out i'll try to start swimming some. i decided since i can't do much cardio i'm going to get totally buff by lifting weights. my beach muscles will be huge by te end of the summer. Comment! (0) | Recommend! |
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