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Speak to My Finger
Books I have completed reading since January 2021:

1. The Enchanted - Rene Denfield
Topics before marriage
Saturday. 7.5.14 10:26 am
This article highlights the topics that need to be discussed before marriage. A reminder for everyone.

Click here.

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Sunday. 6.29.14 9:25 am
I realised many female Korean singers are power house. The below is just one of them... but not the greatest of all... but they inspire me. Because if I keep on practice I can be like them too!!!

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Finally Kitty!
Saturday. 6.21.14 10:49 am
This is the second best shot I've ever taken with an animal.

This picture was taken at a cat cafe.

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Connecting to your spirit guides
Thursday. 6.12.14 6:06 am
I found an interesting guide.

Go on and read: http://www.earthenergyhealings.com/blog/how-to-ask-the-universe-spirits-included-for-help

My guide wants me to write a journal entries for them and I have not started. >.<

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Tuesday. 6.10.14 9:35 am
A friend of mine expressed she is so unhappy that she wants to die. I think most probably it's due to the work so I suggested her to watch porn or imagine having sex. I suggested that in a group chat and all of them were bawling about my suggestion. Well, I know some people like it like my other friends... but this group was... apprehensive. Oh well, some people have different ways...

For me? I watch comedy stuff or some cats and dogs on youtube.

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Sunday. 6.8.14 9:12 am
During a friend's birthday, I was told to get a boyfriend because I am not focused in daily life. And I said I will keep searching and my friends during the dinner kept pressing me for the reason I was not searching for one. One of the reasons I decline my pursuers was they are not handsome. Their jaws dropped. Yes, indeed, they are not handsome in my ears. To be frank, I don't want an oversize male to be boyfriend. Why should I settle for less? Yea, why should I settle for less? This oversize male in fact has said criticized me cruelly that I turned him down because I was choosy. Hell yes, so fcuk off.

Because they kept pressuring me, I told them I actually am in a relationship. And one of them asked why was I not comfortable in bringing up? Is there something I am not happy about? I reflected and my answer is because I don't want people to know who my partner is. Do I have doubt in us? Perhaps, but I am trying to be positive all the time.

After reflecting for that question for some time, I finally able to reduce the guard over this question. I am finally telling people that I am in a relationship without revealing who and where he is. I found myself happier this way.

As my host dad said today, you haven't launched your relationship to the public. He is right!

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