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Wednesday. 1.24.07 1:39 am

This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent. Pass this link on!

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Terrorism is BS, America wake up!
Wednesday. 1.24.07 1:20 am

For those who think "Jet Fuel" and gravity pulverized that concrete and 45 interior steel columns. Educate yourself and you'll see 9/11 was ... all » a planned demolition.

With all this talk of 9-11 and terrorism I cannot figure out what is this all about. Who are they looking for? Why are they looking for them? Why do they care? I know and everyone else knows exactly who brought down the New York World Trade Center. It was all a set up by the United States government. Watch all the video footage. Study the way demolishions are done. It was all a set up. The CIA, FBI and all the troops in the middle east are all focusing in the WRONG place. They should be pointing fingers and hanging themselves. The United States government is once again and always will be the criminals involved in the 9-11 terror plot that has brought done the World Trade Center in New York and killed hundreds of innocent civilians. This is a war on race NOT terrorism.

The terrorist is IN YOUR COUNTRY AMERICA - in the White House.

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Why Potters Without Borders?
Sunday. 1.14.07 9:40 pm
Potters Without Borders together with Potters for Peace has been assisting in the worldwide production of a low-tech, low-cost, colloidal silver-enhanced ceramic water purifier (CWP). Field experience and clinical test results have shown this filter to effectively eliminate approximately 99.88% of most water born disease agents.

Every year there are 1.7 million deaths, mainly children under the age of five, due to diarrhea caused by unsafe water. The U.N.fs Millennium Development Goal is to halve the number of people unable to reach or afford safe drinking water by the year 2015. Achieving this would require that at least 125,000 people be connected to safe water supplies each day before the 2015 target. Diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation cause an estimated 80% of all sickness in the developing world.
Safe drinking water is a precondition for health and the fight against child mortality, gender inequality and poverty. Women and children, especially girls, bear the burden of time spent collecting and transporting water, meaning less time available for activities such as school, essential to escaping the trap of extreme poverty.
This is the twenty first century but water and sanitation remain mired in the Middle Ages for one-third of the world.
Incredibly, this problem is still not being realistically addressed, high- tech solutions are proposed, but in general there is no investment in technology that can easily be copied by local workshops in developing countries.
The ultimate objective of the CWP project is to meet this urgent demand for safe water in rural and marginalized communities, and provide employment for local potters.

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Potters without borders
Sunday. 1.14.07 9:28 pm
Potters Without Borders is a Canadian based NGO - an international non-profit network providing socially responsible assistance to pottery groups and individuals currently involved in appropriate ceramic technologies.
Through the affiliation with Potters For Peace, Potters Without Borders:

***Researches Ceramic Water Filter technology as part of a solution to waterborne

***Provides support for field technicians responding to direct requests to develop
filter manufacturing facilities overseas.

***Offers technical training and consulting services and facilitate research,
development, and commercial application of technology in the field of ceramics
in developing countries.
***Committed to an open source philosophy, all of our publications are available to
any interested parties.

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