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Sunday. 4.8.07 4:50 pm
Hey everyone, I'm selling my laptop to make way for a new one so if you're interested I posted the eBay link here:


It's in great condition and is need of a new home! So any of you are interested please feel free to place a bid on it. Last time I checked, it's only going for a little over $150.00 so right now it's a steal compared to the $2100 I paid for it originally. It's also tiny (about 3 pounds) and easily portable because of that.

Everything works great and it even has a camera at the top of the screen. I'm also including some memory sticks just becuase.

Thanks everyone. [=

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Friday. 4.6.07 4:54 pm
So in about an hour I have a class but I'm also going to be purchasing a new Macbook for myself to use here at UCSD. My old Vaio laptop is still great for what it does, but the battery discharges in approximately 15 minutes and that is not going to cut it for all the frantic note-taking I will be taking from now until I graduate.

My schedule seemed to have worked itself out for the most part, except for some hiccups here in the there. I still need to submit paper work for one class, and I am also waitlisted in another, but overall, I still am a full-time student carrying at least 12 quarter units; 20 when the other two clear.

School thus far has been an experience. Yesterday, I had a viking bowl of cereal for dinner, and then after watching some Naruto and giving myself time to digest, I went to bed... at 6:30 p.m. Man, I was knocked out and didn't wake up until 6:30 this morning. My work schedule also has me coming into work from 7-10 a.m. every morning of the week, and then going to school from there. I'm not a morning person at all, so this could prove to be a problem. But like I said in my previous post, you can do it put your back into it. [=

But yeah, I really do need to stop procrastinating and get some reading done, so until later nuTang.

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