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Strange dreams
Saturday. 11.4.06 2:20 pm
Alright, so I had these two really weird dreams. One of them I really don't want to talk about cuz honestly it was creepy and I don't want to remember it. Now the other one was weird.

It was about me and a bunch of people reserving a bowling alley for a party. Now you might be saying 'that doesn't sound weird'. Well, here's the weird part. It was with a whole group of people that I don't know. Obviously in the dream I knew them, but in actuality, I have no idea who they are. What I can tell you is that there was a banner above the door and above the lanes that read: 'Nutang Celebrates....' and I don't remember the rest. So I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the people who were there that I didn't know, were various memebers of Nutang. We were in teams and we were competing against each other. It was friendly competition, however, cuz no one really lost or won. And no one really was too serious about how high or low their score was. It was pretty awesome. There was strobe lights, sweet ass music and unlimited food and drink. It was a pretty normal dream except the fact that it was members of Nutang, all of whom I didn't know {except maybe a few people}.

Anywho, I don't really know what else to write about for now so I'll write again most likely later on today, when I'm bored.

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Gotta love Fridays
Saturday. 11.4.06 12:27 am
For the most part they're not really all that bad. Especially since I get to work with some pretty good people. But when it gets busy, that's when tempers are high and patience is even lower than normal. Kinda like today. I guess it wasn't really too busy, but it was definaltely steady. First thing this morning we got a group of about 50 high schoolers and one verey bitchy teacher. After that it just stayed steady. We got maybe a couple of slow breaks, about maybe an hour long if even that. It started to slow down around 6ish, but then out of nowhere it picked up again. But I guess it was ok.

I got an incredible stomach ache after the high schooler rush. It was actually my abdomen, but it slowly crept up my stomach and into my ribs. Finally I couldn't stand anymore so I had to sit down. After about 10 minutes of attempting to get comfortable, I managed to find a postition that I wasn't in pain. After another 5, 10 minutes of staying in that one postion, I felt better. I was able to stand without being in pain. I was fine the rest of the day. Except for the normal, daily headache, but that's a whole different story.

I finally started my healthy eating. I'm not going all out, cuz I still have to eat chocolate. But the normal foods that I eat {breakfast ~if at all~, lunch and dinner} will be healthy. I've started buying Lean Pockets again, these Healthy Choice dinner things and some really good cereal. Its pretty awesome. Even looking and thinking about fast food, fried food, etc, makes me disgusted. And I'm glad. I don't want to be tempted.

Anywho, its amazing how much I miss on Nutang when I have to work all day. I just went through a couple blogs and I saw that they had posted like 2, 3 or more since last night. I'm playing catch-up. But that's fine with me. It gives me something to do when there's nothing else to do.

I'm off again tomorrow. I have to do laundry, but other than that I don't have any plans. Its supposed to be near 90 for the next couple days. Ugh. I can't stand the heat. Especially when its really nice out at night. Its been getting into the lower 50s at night. But then during the day, nope, its frickin hot.

I have plenty of other shit to talk about, but for now, I'm gonna end this here. I'll probably write about it on my other two names.

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Its hot!
Thursday. 11.2.06 6:08 pm
Its supposed to be Autumn. Its already November and guess what temperature it is outside? Its frickin 83 degrees outside!!! Its gonna be in the mid 80s all weekend. I hate living in the desert. My mom lives in the desert too {Las Vegas}, but she said its only 66 there. I would love for it to be 66 outside. It was starting to get cool, but then it rained and it warmed up again. Ugh.

Anywho, I went to the bank, deposited my check, got some groceries and came home. My door is locked now and its gonna stay that way until I have to leave for work tomorrow morning. I realized that I had forgotten to get some sort of snack food so I'm gonna hafta go today without. I'll be able to do it, but I won't like it. I always need something small to snack on every now and then. Oh well. I'll have to go to the store again tomorrow night after work to get more food for Saturday and the few days following.

I was thinking about my 21st birthday this morning. Its not for another 11 months and 3 days, but I'm looking really forward to making the plans and going through with them. I just hope that it'll all go as planned. I couldn't even imagine how pissed off I would be if something were to go wrong. Oh well. Its not for a while and for now I just know that I'm looking really forward to it.

Well, I've just sat here for the last five minutes thinking of something to say and I've got nothing. I'll most likely get on later and write about something.

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So much for my one plan tomorrow...
Wednesday. 11.1.06 8:12 pm
My one, single, only plan for tomorrow was to just simply stay inside and do nothing. I wasn't gonna go check my mail, I wasn't gonna get dressed; I wasn't even going to unlock my door. Well, that plan has been completely shattered.

I went to the bank today after work to cash my paycheck and get some food so that I didn't have to go anywhere tomorrow. Since the check isn't dated till tomorrow, they wouldn't cash it. UGH!!! So this means that I have to go back to the bank tomorrow. I have to actually get dressed and leave my apartment. I didn't want to do anything tomorrow! Except to just sit and be lazy all damn day. I've been going since Friday. I just wanted to simply have a day of nothing. But no, of course not. This is just my luck. Maybe I'll get lucky and have Otto as my teller. That'll at least make it somewhat worth leaving my comfy, cozy apartment.

I wasn't even able to buy food today so that's another reason why I was pissed about not being able to cash my check. {You might be thinking 'why do you get direct deposit?' well they don't offer it} I had enough cash on me to buy something to eat tonight, but I also need toiletries. UGH!!! Well, I'm not gonna do anything else besides go to the bank, buy some groceries and come back home. That's it. Once I'm back home, the pajamas go back on and the door stays locked.

I was able to get a couple hours of OT so hopefully my next paycheck will be decent. It wasn't too busy today. And nothing exciting happened. I can't say nothing bad happened, cuz the bank kinda pissed me off, but whatever. Alright, I can't stop yawning so I'm probably gonna lay down for a couple hours. I'll most likely be back on later tonight.

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Tuesday. 10.31.06 10:03 pm
So I was figuring on having plans for tonight. And I even started to think about what I was going to wear out, but I'm thinking that nothing is going to happen. The girl I was supposed to go out and party with hasn't called me yet. So that's why I'm thinking that I'm not gonna be going anywhere.

I had to work for most of the day. It was much busier than anticipated. And oh yeah, guess what happens when you fry dough for too long?... It explodes. And I had the misfortune of having 350 degree oil splash in my face. It hurt just a tad. Luckily I'm not burnt. Needless to say, the dough wasn't really all that chewy like its supposed to be. It was still edible though.

I have one more day to work and then I'm off. Finally. Working six days isn't too bad, but I haven't really worked six days in a row in a while. And the last time I worked more than six days in a row, I was also being let go early. This is a different story. Due to the business that we've been getting, the only day I was able to leave early was yesterday. Oh well, hopefully I'll see it reflected on my next paycheck.

There's not really a whole lot on TV right now. I've got on Down Periscope. There's a couple other things that are on, but I've seen them all. Maybe I'll put in a movie. Alright I don't really have anything else to say so I'll write again whenever I do have something to say.

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I dunno
Monday. 10.30.06 9:33 pm
I don't know what to title this entry so that's why I just put in I dunno. Today wasn't really bad. Nothing good happened though. Shamrock was on time, but it was a different driver than normal so that might have accounted for it being on time. Gary told me something today that I wasn't aware of. Its not too bad though, so I don't have to worry about it too much.

I think I'm addicted. I'm addicted to Mojoflix.com. I've already posted a few videos on here. I've left a video comment on one of my friend's myspace page. And I've changed the music video on my myspace page to one of the videos I found. Ugh. I can't get enough. I keep finding these things and I want to share them. But I promise not to go overboard.

Alright, I'm out of shit to say and I'm watching TV so I'm not really concentrating on the computer. I'll write again another time.

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