Sunday. 9.8.13 1:32 am
I hate when people point out my flaws. I hate that you can see them so clearly, written all over my words and actions. I hate it because I can't accept them. I don't like being reminded of the things that I suck at, or the things I do wrong.
And even if someone says what flaws I have is something they accept about me, it still annoys me. I don't want to be this way. I don't want anyone to be able to see this character trait I have. It isn't flattering, and it isn't something I like about myself.
I know people say you can change if you want to. And to some extent you can. But if you don't realize the flaw you have is so blatantly obvious, how can you even change it?
Even this blog points out my flaw. Damn.
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Saturday. 8.17.13 12:31 pm
I hold on very tightly to things because I have this fear that whatever I do or say to or for someone will be forgotten and meaningless. I put myself out there, constantly standing out (calling, making people laugh, texting 24/7) because I want to remind people that I'm there.
And yes, I'm clingy, and yes, I am selfish, insecure and will always chase and hunt you down...but that is a part of me that I don't have enough strength to control.
But it makes me wish someone did the same for me. Because then I would feel as if they want to remain in my life, just as desperately as I try to remain in theirs.
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