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Welcome to the Merrick

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous.
Actually, who are you not to be?

my loves
Li Rong
Michelle michelle
ET Laine
Furnished with words
Sunday. 9.26.04 7:28 am
doing proj b4 bbq (photos taken on the sly)
see the number of comps in use simultenously? scary

Had lots of fun at joan's bbq. the food was great! in case u don't know, joan's mum is a legendary fantastic cook. tho mi, amy and aud ate only the cooked food joan's mum prepared coz we lazy to peng. we took the food quite a distance away from the rest to the playground there abouts cause no space where huizi, john, lifen and ben were sitting, wolfed down the food and started playing with candles with joan's youngest sis(pri level) and some pri sch boys. lolz. yea yea.. i know, in considerate to the surroundings when we create a mess when we leave. heck

LURRRVVVEEE playing with candles since pri sch. used to play w candles every lantern fest. so much so, hands have gotten quite immune to wax. lolz. anyways we got a nice tiny bon fire going ala the old days. We were playing near a side stairwell, and due to the lack of decent "firewood" we were running up and down from the bbq place and the playground grabbing fistfuls of tissue to burn in addition to lots of sparklers. yep, joan, that where your tissue went. lolz. guess what we did?

Crispy on the outside and liquid on the inside............

mamamia~! delish! soooo cool!! i'm such a genius.. muahaha! first time i had marshmallows roasted over a fire. just like what we see on tv. after the phenmomenal success of marshmallows, aud hit upon the idea of actually roasting chicken wings this way. was actually nice eh! and its cooked! hmm. do not under estimate the power of small fire...lol

we left quite early amy, aud, lifen and moi. 9.30++? actually some time right after ben, huizi and john left. was rushing to NTUC to grab some fruits for our choc fondue, choc already sitting patiently in the fridge@my place waiting for us to melt him. lick him. taste him. slide down our throats. hmmm.. sounds bad~ lolz! anyways, din manage to get strawberries and stuff.. so had to make do with dragon fruit, apples, grapes, almonds. nice warm pot of choc after bathing off sticky sweat and soot is soooooo gratifying.

i know it doesn't look good, but taste great ok! its very easy to make fondue u know. ask mi how! ask mi how!

watching tv while eating nice warm pot of choc fondue.

chatted thru the night abt sch, frens, past stuff. slept at 4am.

found myself awake suddenly and couldn't get back to sleep. ended up watching the light in the room grow from dark to bright. geez. just when i was getting drowsy...... this dodo woman opened the door. and.......

geez. bth. think i'm a bad influence, always tell her not to study...heez
so since i'm up. took a few more pix.. of the women's shagged look. they buried themselves back into the blankets when they realised wat i was up to. bleeah.

groupmates supposed to come at 10 this morning. but as usual, everyone was late. started work only at 11.30. thank god. if not they would have been scared off by shagged walking zombie. aka mi. did proj till abt 5 today and rounded off with a horrible headache. think i'm gonna break out in hell lots of pimples soon. had so much heaty stuff for the last 2 days. had fondue again for proj break time today somemore. jialat.

anyways, got ot let the comps rest le. think its gonna over heat and explode soon. ciaoz~

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Luv Fad
Friday. 9.24.04 8:45 am
i totally adore fadhilah! Love her Lots and lots and lots. i was complaining that i have no interesting songs to listen to coz my uncle went to reformat the comps before i could transfer my newly downloaded songs into a particular folder which was not erased. She being the creature i adore, offered to lend mi a whole stack of cds.

now, y can't all of u guys be like that?

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