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come on over the mountain

Age. 42
Gender. Male
Ethnicity. Chinese
Location Valley Village, CA
School. Cornell Univ
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pong ping II
Sunday, 7/13/03 - 11:53 am
Ok, now I'm getting scared. So scarie.

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pong ping
Thursday, 7/10/03 - 9:15 pm
The game, like never before... will open in windows media player

However, this is just gay. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

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All content copyright by dave. Please do not reproduce, recycle, or regurgitate without the express written consent of the CTU.
driving home.
Sunday, 7/6/03 - 9:58 pm
It's a 3.5 hour drive between home and school. Somewhat long and boring.

So, driving back, I see all these cars with their college stickers on their rear window. And, you know what would be funny? If someone put that sticker on their front window (just to be different).

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All content copyright by dave. Please do not reproduce, recycle, or regurgitate without the express written consent of the CTU.
one more day!!!
Tuesday, 7/1/03 - 12:01 pm
Then, I can take a partial breathe of freedom. It will be just one class till the beginning of August, then no more classes (NO HOMEWORK, NO TESTS, NO BAPPLES) till January 2004!

Ok, back to the story....

And then it happened! A thousand Venetian elephants that were albino only on their right sides trampled through the garden of Jan Bagelbutt, the girl who had teeth for fingernails and green peppers for toes. Retaliating, she broke the seven sacred bones of King Tetuchamalie, the greatest snake that ever ruled the ancient Egyptians before the Zhou-Wu-Powder dynasty. A fiery rage that this world had been shielded from for the past 80 millenium thus broke free, robbing every three-legged boy of his intestines, spread throughout Hawaii, resulting in the simultaneous explosion of all the pineapples there, as if ZuK0, the funny, glow-in-the-dark-assed, German panther pounced on a bag of hairy tomatoes, like the time he decided to do that to Jan right after she collected them, resulting again, in this cycle of perpetual of recycling for the betterment of humanity in general, but sacrificing the livelihood of the three-legged boys, whom, as described in great detail by the Chronicles of Ghonerya, formed a league of ninja assassins that was so deadly and merciless, even Mahapata, a gremlin-like princess of the Australian Incas, shuddered and muttered a tuneful chaos of an inexplicable, erratic frequency when confronted by this foes of all, except themselves. No, you lie!

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All content copyright by dave. Please do not reproduce, recycle, or regurgitate without the express written consent of the CTU.
room of white.
Tuesday, 6/24/03 - 9:11 pm
For over a year now, I've been plagued on and off with sleeplessness. Sometimes, I would lay bed for hours, waiting idly with frustration building up.. yet still could not manage to enter sleep.

These past couple of days, however, the case has elevated to state of pure insomnia. And by day, I would roam the campus tired and exhausted; each second, it feels like I am about to pass out.

Last night, a most terrible thing occurred. I was driving home, around 8 or 9. I cannot remember for sure. The sun was slipping past the mountains.

Suddenly, my head swooned and I swerved off the road. Try I did, but I could not overcome this dizzy spell. I drove into the forest. As I was buried in a sea of trees, I swooned again.

I awoke in a foreign room. The room was impeccably clean (and empty). It's whitewashed walls seemed to be glistening. All that was inside were a bed, a low, small table, and a perfectly cubical fridge. The room was quite large, perhaps amplified by the fact that its was empty and monocoloured.

I spent the next several minutes, still in somewhat of a daze, exploring this strange environment. I located a tiny bath in one of the corners, along with a high sink (that requires a small staircase to reach) and toilet. In another corner was a large desk with a computer (which, of course, is what I have used to post this entry). There were no doors, no windows, and to the best of my ability, no ventilation that I could locate. Yet, the air felt refreshingly clean. And then I heard the laughter that echoed throughout the room...

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All content copyright by dave. Please do not reproduce, recycle, or regurgitate without the express written consent of the CTU.
Monday, 6/23/03 - 10:37 am
So, I was walking to class, I find this tub of lard on the ground. I'm wondering, who's tub of lard could this possibly be? No idea.

Realizing that someone's probably freaking out somewhere, cause he lost a whole lot of lard.. I decide to do the right thing for once (heh). I go to the police station to turn it in.

So, I enter, go to the counter.. and when the officer behind the counter asks me how he can help me, I throw my tub of lard at his face. Covered in lard, and with some dripping out of his mouth, he mutters, "Wtf kid.." and pulls out his gun. He pulls the trigger a few times, but it was ineffective as it was drenched with lard.

I couldn't help but to burst out laughing and pee over all the couches in the lounge.

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