Tuesday. 1.8.08 12:46 pm
1.備前焼き びぜんやき 岡山県
2.益子焼 ましこやき 栃木県
3.有田焼 ありたやき 佐賀県
4.志野焼き (しのやき)
など ・・・・・ それぞれの地方によりそれぞれの焼き物の特徴がある。
◆楽焼 (らくやき)
◎安土桃山時代(1573~1596年)千利休の注文によって 楽家の祖・長次郎
◎低温度 (1200度より500~800度ぐらい)しかし縄文焼きはもっと低い(300ぐらい)
・ 工事現場、畑など・・・
・ 畑で掘った粘土はまず、検査する。温度に高い・低い粘土など
・ 陶土(カオリン)広西でもっとも多い 高温度で専門の窯が必要
・ 黄粘土 (ちょっと弱くて、手作りものでよい。1200度だと思う。不明)
・ 紫粘土(赤粘土) (黄粘土より強いみたい。轆轤で陶器を成形するかも 焼く温度不明)
・ そのまま畑で掘った粘土はで弱い
・ 野焼きや楽焼などで、激しい熱が直接与える陶器はまず、粘土+川の砂=強い粘土
※ 茶碗を作るとき、好みのサイズ(11.5�8cm)+15%を加えなければならない。
※ 字を書くときも、+15%大きくしないと、字が見えなくなる。
① 日本概況の試験のあと、粘土を渡す。
② 自分で何かを作る(はしおき、名札、人形など)
③ 山で一緒に野焼きをする。(必要品:石炭、炭、藁など)
④ 焼肉??
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Friday. 11.30.07 6:38 am
My site was transfered over to a new and improved control panel so far I have not seen any trouble in most of the pages, which are just html or php. I have noticed scrambled characters on The Iroha Project site and when I log in there seems to be some problem changing information on the admin page. I hope it is not too serious my knowledge of php is beginner and if it is serious I will have to delete the entire system and reload everything again… that will not be fun.
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Friday. 11.30.07 6:34 am
I just got sent 100 pps just for being popular? Am I popular? I didn't even know I was so popular. Well thanks for the pps but still I am wondering what made me so popular? Maybe next time someone could let me know when I am popular haha
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Sunday. 11.18.07 8:12 am
Do movies have influence on people¡¯s lives? Even if it is fiction, it seems that the film I am currently using in my class seems to be strangely very similar to my experience. The film is an NHK tv drama ハケンの品格(Haken no Hinkaku). It is about the problems of the increasing numbers of part-time contract employees in companies and how their part-time salaries and work is affecting the regular employee¡¯s salary. The discussion of accountability and responisiblity of the company and how these part-time contracted employees cannot be held responible because they are only in the company for such a short period of time. The reason why most companies use these part-time employees is mainly because they are cost effective.
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