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The weather
A constant state of being.
My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)
Well, hello there.
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Final day shift
Wednesday. 7.4.07 7:03 pm
Today was my final day shift. I didn't want to do anything, but I knew that I had to. I kind of slacked off on a few things, but what are they gonna do? Fire me? Ha. I had absolutely no energy after about an hour. Most of it was cuz I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I went to bed at 5 and had to be up at 8.

Why, might you ask, did I only get three hours of sleep? Well, Stuart came over last night! I was very happy to see him. I haven't seen him in a month. He showed me a picture of his jaw that he took while he was in the hospital. It looked so painful. It was swollen to almost three times original size. I'm glad that he's able to use it again. It definately came in handy last night *grins*

Let's see. . . Today is Independence Day here in the US. Its really nothing special to me. I don't have any traditions except watching the Boston Pops Orchestra. Every so often we'd {the family and I} go out somewhere to watch fireworks, but its not an annual thing. Some people I know are having BBQs and getting drunk tonight, but I wasn't invited to any of them. That's fine with me. I just want to enjoy my time at home.

I got more chocolate today. And as soon as I got out of the shower, I had a Reese's cup. Chocolate is delicious.

David and I won't be going out again before I move. I was expecting us to not go out again, but I was still hoping. Oh well. I had to say my goodbye to him today. I had to very quickly choke back tears so that he wouldn't find me weird {er than he already thinks I am} I am going to give him my new number, when I get one, but I don't expect us to keep in touch.

I had to say most of my goodbye's today. Even though my last day of work is tomorrow, most everyone is off tomorrow. There are a few people that I'll see tomorrow and I'll be able to say goodbye to them then.

Alright, I'm done with this entry. I'm too tired to think about anything else to write about.

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Boring day
Tuesday. 7.3.07 4:32 pm
I haven't done anything even remotely exciting today. I watched Epic Movie. It was a little funny, but I'm not going to rent it again. I also watched two episodes of Scrubs, the movies Red Planet, Ice Age 2: The Meltdown and Clerks.

Stuart was going to come over last night, but I fell asleep not even 15 minutes before he texted me. I was a little annoyed when I got the messages two hours later. Oh well. Maybe he'll come over tonight after his hockey game. But with my luck, he'll just want to go home. Or he'll fuck up another part of his body and have to go to the ER again.

I don't have any chocolate in my apartment. I'm going to try and actually go the whole day without it. The last time I was out of chocolate, I ended up giving in and going to McDonald's to get a chocolate shake. This time, though, I don't have the money to spending on fast food. And its too hot to be walking to the store. The chocolate would probably be half melted by the time I got home anyway. Seeing as how its only a ten minute walk from my apartment to the store, that tells you just how hot it is outside.

I've managed to go without it so far. I've also gone a month without seeing Stuart. I'm afraid I won't be seeing him tonight either. Its a shame too. I really miss him.

Uhm, so that's been my day so far. Exciting huh? *note the sarcasm*

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2 more days
Monday. 7.2.07 7:14 pm
So ... do you guys remember a while ago {and I'm talking a while} when I wrote about my work being robbed? And how there was this really cute guy named Richard who came in to work on our new alarm system?

Well, he came in today! He was only there for a couple minutes to drop something off, but I got to talk to him for a minute. I told him that I thought he was very cute and ha, I called him eye candy. I explained that I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to see him again before I moved and he told me that he'd come in on Wednesday or Thursday to order pizza so that I'd get to see him again. That made my day right there. Unfortunately I have a feeling that that was the highlight of my day and nothing else that good will happen. I also have a weird feeling that he's not going to come in to get pizza, but that's okay. I got to see him today and I got to tell him how I felt about him. I can still hope though.

I had to start saying my goodbye's today. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, but I'm sure it'll hit me when I'm actually completely done with work. That's okay though. I'll be giving my new number out to certain people {when I get a new number} and I can use myspace to keep in touch with a couple other people.

Oh! I forgot to write about something that happened yesterday. There was a shooting at the local mall. Here is the link to the story that the local news channel did about it.

My only question ... who gets mad in Dillards?! I mean, good grief.

Anywho, I'm off work tomorrow. I don't have any plans. Its going to be 115 tomorrow. So it'll be way too hot for me to have to walk anywhere unnecessarily.

I might make a couple phone calls; see what some people are up to, but maybe not. It depends on how I feel tomorrow. I am happy about being able to sleep in. I haven't been wanting to wake up the last few mornings, but it might also be because I'm having to wake up for work. Oh well.

I plan on being on Nutang most of tomorrow so don't be surprised if you see me lurking and contributing for a greater part of the day.

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here's the 'more to come' ...
Sunday. 7.1.07 8:49 pm
I had to stay late today. I chose it, though. I offered to cover a shift for someone who forgot to request the day off in advance. This gave me the opportunity to work with Mark. He's so darn cute.

I really have nothing to say about work. It was the same as usual. I didn't have a good crew today, but I got through it without major complications. I have to be at work again in 13 hours.

My hair is pretty. I'm almost used to it. Its still a little odd at how much shorter it is, but I like it this way. I'm really happy with the color. The red streaks seem to be staying ... unlike when I had the tips dyed, the color faded and was gone within a week.

I don't actually have anything to talk about so I'll write again whenever.

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I don't wanna!
Sunday. 7.1.07 9:54 am
I don't want to work.

No, you don't understand... I really, really don't want to work.

Gah! But I have to. Only 4 more days. . . I can do this. . . but I don't wanna.

More to come later ...

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Saturday. 6.30.07 7:03 pm
Today is the 12 year anniverasry of my Dad's death. He died from brain cancer. Its hard to believe that its already been so long. Over the years I've learned to deal with celebrating holidays and such without being upset, but today is the day that I mourn. You can't erase a memory like that.

In other news, I got my hair cut. Its still long, but its layered. I also have red streaks in it. You can really see the red when I'm out in the sun. I'm happy with it, but I knew that I'd get criticized cuz the people at work can't keep their mouths shut or lie about something like that. Oh well. As long as I'm happy with it, that's all that matters.

I don't have any plans for tonight. I'm doing my laundry right now, but that's about it.

I'm broke. Like, really broke. I spent about 260 unncessary dollars in the last week. Between my tattoo and getting my hair done its a bit costly. Oh well.

Uhm, I don't really know what to say so I'll end this here.

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