Tiger's SMS Hotline... Malaysia
Tigers' Life in the Mother Earth
Message of TigerBlogFest Campaign
The tiger is our national animal. Our heritage. But today only less than 500 of them
remain in the wild. As Malaysians, we need to stand up and protect our heritage.
Speak to your children. Speak to your leaders. Everyone of us can make a difference.
For further information, please visit MYCAT (www.malayantiger.net), WWF Malaysia
(www.wwf.org.my) and Department of Wildlife & National Parks (www.wildlife.gov.my)
An Amur tiger and cub at Edinburgh Zoo. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA
There are now just a few thousand tigers left. Seven hundred mountain gorillas. A hundred Iberian lynx. Can we do anything to help them? Emine Saner looks at 10 animals we just have to save - and how you can get involved ....
Click here to Continue
Source : The Guardian
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~ Blog Citizenship ~ *Updated*
Save Us.... Before is too late...
~My Reading List of 2009~
| A solution that ends the Illegal Poaching of Tigers/(wild animals) Friday. 7.10.09 3:58 am Dear Diary,
I am seriously tired of reading tigers�f news, not because I no longer love the tigers, but my love towards them grew so much deeper, stronger and the urge to protect them had became so high that I felt such a disappointment when reading all the news I subscribe on tigers.
Nothing new about the news, if is not illegal poaching, then it must be the wild tiger attacking the villagers, if is not, then the NGOs urging us to do donation, to support their activities, to conserve the environment, to protect the wild tigers. But what is the result? Do you see the result? Everyday I see my tigers being killed, being hunt, being abused, what action had been done to stop this? I know I�fm nobody to say this, because I worse than the NGOs, because I did nothing to save them now, but in the future I WILL!
Everyone knew the tiger farm at china, doing illegal business, yet nothing can be done, because money often play real trick to ensure they survive in the world, because of greed, everything illegal seems to bring big lump sums of money into the pockets. Yeah having the mentality �gWHO CARES? AS LONG AS MY POCKET IS WELL FEED�h.
I�fm tired of the nonsense, maybe I might end up being murdered by someone when they read this, well because they don�ft accept my ideas. I often think that, a mere few thousand dollar or whatever currency fined would not do anything goods, they are damn rich to disobey the law, and they are damn smart to escape from it�c. If only fears induced in the industry of poaching, then only the illegal poaching will be stop�c. Of course this is just my simple minded opinion�c..
Death penalty should be introduced to the world of illegal poaching, STOP if you are start thinking of me being cruel, inhuman, monster, or whatever disgusted words you can think of to describe me. You must be questioning me, Is just a freaking animals, why must we involved death penalty, hey we eat cow too, we eat chicken , fish and others, do you mean we too have to undergo death penalty?
What had been done had been done, no one can reverse it, but to protect the other wild animals, something have to be done, by 2020 tigers will OFFICIALLY EXTINCT if no action taken, and more soon, all the animals too will extinct. Ha, you must be laughing at me, pointing and telling, china have a lot of tigers at the farm, the zoo too, but do you aware that the tigers there do not know how to hunt? Given a live cow, and they solely chase around for freaking long minutes, and don�ft be bother to do the killing? No I bet you don�ft because not everyone knows, nor not everyone taking the initiative to care. Only when something dramatic being introduce, those the silent voices will pop up and oppose to whatever possible ideas, that�fs why I Called Human.
OMG, you must be thinking I�fm very cruel, yeah I might be so cruel towards the human race, but do you think we the human too are very cruel? �gHey no we are not�c erm maybe some are?�h do this appeared in your mind? Yeah the �gSome�h in your mind corrupts the ecosystem, just because my tigers can�ft talk human language, doesn�ft mean they do not have a life, a soul, and the chances to live.
Do you know how the illegal poachers' claimed the tigers' life? they shoot them, strangle them to death, or set up trap to cut their paws away....
Doesn�ft us the human often fight and brings up the topic of equality? Then why can�ft we give a place for them too? If a tiger attacked the villagers, death penalty for the tiger, then aren�ft it fair for the tigers too if someone killed them, and death penalty served for the killer?
P.s: of course this was just my opinion, you might think I�fm cruel, and you might rate me very badly at my nutang�fs profile, but I don�ft care, if I don�ft let this idea out, I�fll go insane!
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These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Friday. 7.10.09 1:40 am Dear Diary,
Went to watch Ice Age 3 last week, and surprisingly the cinema was not that noisy as i expected, since it is a kid movie, often kids are noisy enough to destroy the whole show, but thank god was not.
Overall the movie was fun to watch, and i enjoyed it very much, lots of laughter and tears too.
and not to mention the babies t-rex were so cute, omg i want to plushies if only they have it, surprise oh surprise, i thought MCD will have their plushie instead of the hard toys... but... what to do... @@"'
Anyway it was a movie worth watching :D
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These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
My Sick Rant! *hate getting sick* Wednesday. 7.8.09 10:57 pm Dear Diary,
seems like im hit w flu bugs too..... shivered although is hot! and having sore throat yesterday... and more while typing i shiver non stop although the air cond is off @@''
renaye said fever in progress .... die lo.... everytime i shiver only 1 day... and the next day i will feel ok... but today.... i still shiver..... die or not! i hate getting sick because i dont get off although im sick... which frustrate me even more......
damn annoying to get sick... go away sick bug... !
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These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Monday. 7.6.09 1:59 am Dear Diary,
Today morning was horrible, I dont get a good sleep because of my head was creating problem to me, imagine, my head was so painful until i wake up from my sleep. The pain was so intense and so hard for me to cope, i twisted around my bed to rest my head so it wont get so painful, at least i think i can try to catch another hour of sleep, but it was not helping.
The pain was as if someone pinched you at the most sensitive part (ur cell) and twisted it over n over again, i covered my head and massaged it but nothing happen, the pain keep coming back and getting worse. until i cant take it anymore and jump off my bed to search for pain killer. Well I managed to get one only, but it is not helping at all.
i tried to knock my dad's room door, to tell him, but im afraid to get yell upon, (well everytime im sick i got all the weird blame) but i know if i dont do so, i will have much worse morning, forced to wake up to work and drive along the road, so i took up my courage and knocked his door,~ yeah i get blame upon the most ridiculous reason but i ignore it.... he bought me painkiller and i have my rest until 12pm. and now sitting infront of the notebook at the office...typing it in...
I been suffering from headache since i could remember, it was just too long ago, the headache follows me everywhere i go, especially when the weather was weird, too hot or hot and sudenly cold and hot again.. im very sensitive to it, often i get one week once or one week twice.... :'(
but since this year, the condition was better, well not often headache but the degree of painfulness were much higher compared to the past @@''
this is the record of the headache for my own reference tho~
10,11 Feb(mild headache) ,6 April & 6 July (lower part) v Painful type
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These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
My Chinese Calligraphy~ (in practice) Saturday. 7.4.09 1:50 am Dear Diary,
As a chinese school ex student, we often encounter chinese calligraphy, which was one of the task i hate the most, because i dont write beautiful calligraphy, and often we have to follow exactly the same in order to get full marks, which eventually block our creativity to do so.
There are two type of "mao pi" (the brush), one of the Chinese which u have to deep in the "mo" (ink) which smell very bad, another one of the Japanese which the ink were already in there (just like a pen and the brush is harder,easier to control).
Japanese "Mao Pi" was our favourite choice, but the school teacher banned us from using Japanese "mao pi", which was a headache for us, because to write "Xiao Kai" (smaller version of calligraphy) were often difficult enough, especially the chinese "Mao pi" is soft.
However, remembering the old day~ we were smart enough to use Japanese "mao pi" with the Chinese "mo" so the teacher wont found out. (if used Japanese "mao pi" with the pre loaded ink, the trace at the back of the paper sheet will turned blue, and if you used "mo" the trace will turn black, so the teacher wont found out~).
That was the old day, few days back, an old uncle supplier was looking at my way of holding pen, and stated that the way i hold it will not able to write calligraphy @@'', lol sort of been stepped on the tail... so decided to ask my dad to teach me (yeah he have nice calligraphy writing....) so i try to write my name~... which turned out disaster at 1st haha.... but...
This is the calligraphy that i can write for now... demo Ganbarimasu!
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These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Wednesday. 7.1.09 9:15 pm Dear Diary,
I still often think of my passed away dog... it seems she does had a huge impact towards me, whenever i think of her... ill ended up with tears or became a red panda...
although 2 years of knowing her might be relatively short to some of u, but to me, itn was something memorable, especially her way of showing happiness, her way enjoying her luxury life eating beef.. and when thunder strike.. she will run upstair n hide inside my room or the toilet... :'(
often standing at the place she died, make my tears burst too, and often ill stand there, asking her r u at the heaven now, how is the place? is it beautiful and such... :'(
i miss her :'(,(and she is my best pal that i speak Japanese to) few days ago, while waiting for customer, i saw a moth at the shop, "Chinese believed that, when someone passed away, they will turned into insect and such to re visit us", when i saw the moth, immediately my brain told me is Lucky, so quickly i grab my camera to snap a few pictures.... and i was standing there looking at it.
Later the customer came, and when they went back, the moth no longer there.... i seriousl believed it was Lucky's soul of paying last visit....
the Moth
Last pic of Lucky taken after she came back from the vet...
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These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.