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Age. 524
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. Thai...!?
Location Anaheim, CA
School. Other
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This is going to be a transitional blog...NOT
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yup, TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR THE WEEK!!!!! (At least for me...)

+Are there any Thanksgiving emoticons out there?

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Sunday. 11.12.06 4:51 pm

O-my-god that movie tough to get through x_x I probably made some bad choices too though...

First of all, this is the first time in years I 've chosen bad theater seats ( I sat in the row that was one row behind the aisle )...a horrible choice for this movie, for those of you with sensitive ears and eyes .

Another thing that irked me so was the shaky camera moments! I started getting a headache at these moments(the Morrocan side of the story had a lot of shaky moments, the American's side had some shaky moments I think + the Japenese girl's side)

Secondly/Thirdly, you know those drug-high scenes with the Japenese girls and guys? That was murder . Well, the boat scene wasn't that bad, but the club scenes were EEK- Those bright flashing lights and booming music made me dizzy + created a headache .

The gunshot sounds made me flinch .
That's about all the things I didn't like about the movie [Babel]. hahaha.

Well...there's one little thing I thought would be beneficial to the movie if it were done...editing. *Nods*

All in all...a bit over-intense (at least for me to watch in theaters) for my liking, but what was REALLY interesting for me was that the audience could experience a few moments of life through the deaf-mute girl's perspective. Hearing nothing + Not being able to speak aloud would be .

+++++++++ Saba and I saw Ayaz there with his family.

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Music makes me happy.
Monday, November 6, 2006
mood: Possessed
listening to: KORN


Y'all want a single say _uc_ that
F___ that, F____ that
Y'all want a single say ____ that
____ that, ______ that
Y'all want a single say ____ that
_____ that, ____ that
Y'all want a single say _____ that
Boom Boom Boom Boom

What's going on today?
We gotta break away
We got a problem and
I think it's going to make us go down

They think we're all the same
And always we're to blame
For shit I think is lame
It's time to stop the game
I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

Y'all want a single say fck that
_____ that, _____ that (It repeats)

Ok Ok..I shouldn't be listening to this kind of stuff hahah. Buttttt, once in a while this stuff is calming and relaxing. !

  • School= Sad.Hot.Stuffy. . . .

Lunch=HOT.STUFFY.....BUT it was a happy...and tense atmosphere..

People are scary.

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Halloweeeeeeeeennnnn pics and things
Saturday, November 4, 2006
OCTOBER 31= a few days ago....sorry for the tardiness....




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!Smack that!
Thursday, November 2, 2006
I absolutely dislike the lyrics of that song....but the beat is super.

-The volleyball tournament today was so much more fun than last time! First of all, Julie P. didn't go, I got to sit with Tina and Sasha, we won 2 some games [the games we lost were by only 3 or something points] + my teamates were awesome (Tina, Sasha, Priya, Brittany, Heidi, Cheyenne A.). Yeaaah, Stella had Tina pick 2 players of her's so they could be on team 2 for the day and Megan gave us 2 players from her team to be on ours too.

- Practice was pretty fun and carefree. The 6(?) real games we played after were filled with fun...hahaha...We all had good serves...I performed some pretty good bumps and stuff in there.

- And somehow...I wasn't as dehydrated as much this time!

..........Now I have to do that dreaded task
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!

© d 0o f u z manee (7:35:05 PM): boo

A few words of wisdom from an unwise man ^

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Halloween= SUPER FUN -especially with my friend ! ! !

Ick, my hands are all Play-Doh-y right now. Hold on...

OK!!!! I'm done. Last night was THE BEST OF THE BEST OF NIGHTS I HAVE EVER HAD. I Halloween.

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