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Friday. 1.17.14 2:15 am
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the light
Wednesday. 1.15.14 9:15 pm
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actual happenings
Sunday. 12.22.13 3:13 am

Things I Am Actually Doing and Not a Story

1. I'm volunteering for a semester (for credit) at a local library. Basically, it involves tutoring bilingually, doing Spanish story times (coming up with a Spanish song to match the theme, reading half the book in Spanish, etc.), and translating fliers to Spanish. This library also has lap reading for babies, so in conclusion I am going to read to some random baby on my lap, this semester, for class credit. Neat. The plan, here, is to be so excellent at my job and do so much extra for them that they agree, at the end of the semester, to create a fall internship for me as the hispanohablante volunteerism intern. I'm pulling a Sherlock and creating my own job, basically, and I have a really strong feeling that they will let me get away with it.

2. There's also this internship, this summer, that I'm applying for, because it would get me overseas and working with children's education, which is kind of starting to look like a track I might dig. I was talking with inhuman, today, about how explaining things clearly has always been my forte, and that kids are drawn to me in the most overt manner, so that isn't the worry...the worry is bringing a calm, assertive leadership to the classroom and gaining respect. So, hopefully, this summer, they'll accept my application and let me come see if I can do it.

3. If not, I plan to go overseas, anyway. My friend Steve who isn't the Steve we know has friends in the Dominican Republic who can probably hook me up with something.

4. I learned to knit?? That's something, right? It's much easier than I thought it would be, so I made like three scarves within the first couple of days of knowing how, and now I'm kind of where I never want to see knitting needles ever again (at least for the next few days).

5. Also, a friend of mine used the word "date," recently, to describe something he wanted to take me on, and man I hate when that happens, because I'm flattered, and he's a great friend, but friendships are just never the same, once someone even SUGGESTS dating, so this really sucks hard. Also, I just hate having to reject someone I really love spending time with and cherish as a person.

6. The dentist informed me, recently, that I still don't have any cavities. This track record just won't stop.

7. My New Year's will be spent on a rooftop bar overlooking the city, which is...man. My hometown is a crazy pathetic place, where most people just drink because they live there and there's nothing else to do, so heading back down to campus, a few days early, and really having a memorable new year will be so nice. The past few years, I've liked spending it alone because it's sort of my reflection time, but, this year, there's no need for more reflection. I don't have romantic feelings for anyone, I'm in control of my family life, and this year was just so chock-full of personal development that it's time to celebrate.

8. Being successful and single is my dream life.

9. I am living the dream.

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the questioning rock
Thursday. 12.19.13 2:39 am
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