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The Head Librarian
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Sneaky Ninja
Thursday. 12.7.06 12:11 am

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn\'t invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
Thursday. 12.7.06 12:08 am
List of my extensive Pictures.

Oh, Snap

Sneaky Ninja

My Astronaut

3-D Lamp (need 3-D glasses)



Square Edit

You Suck!

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
Quite the Spoonful
Sunday. 12.3.06 10:44 pm
i had 2 spoons of the sexiest peanut butter in our pantry. very rich, not too creamy, like creamy milk chocolate. SOOO GOOD! sorry, i have a thing about PB. ill just stick in a spoon and enjoy for half an hour! Twas the Peter Pan brand, which i find better than GIF. haha, just thought id inform u guys.....

Actual Story Here

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
SKAMM news
Saturday. 12.2.06 11:37 pm

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
The Bathroom Chronicles
Saturday. 12.2.06 10:17 pm

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
Saturday. 12.2.06 12:02 am
There seems to be a lot of writings, so I will make a submenu and list them here.

George's Job

My Dad

Old Ornery

My Technology Bash

In A Drop Of Water

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
Old Ornery
Friday. 12.1.06 11:59 pm
The old car had stopped working 7 years ago. The jeep was somewhat famous in town; nobody had been able to fix it. Ever. The owner, Sean Huidey, charged four bucks to any engineer or mechanic eager to try their hand at the contest. The first person to repair the car got $1000. And, of course, Ol’ Ornery herself. Because the only way to claim the prize was to fix Ol’ Ornery and drive her out of the abandoned wilderness Mr. Huidey called his backyard.

Jeff was the latest victim, er, sucker. I mean, the latest visitor. He had been feeling pretty confident, with his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, and his long past as a car lover. He was feeling pretty confident, that is, until he heard about the last guy. This dude wasn’t heard from for almost three weeks after his attempt, until he was seen running butt-naked with a pack of wolves by the local hunter. Jeff wasn’t from town, so he didn’t have a friend to bring down. It used to be a grand spectacle, trying to fix that car, but the townsfolk had gotten bored with it after everyone failed. So nobody would go down to watch, not even Sean.

Jeff was ready. He walked from the motel down the dirt road to Mr. Huidey’s front door. He forked over his four dollars, and they made the quarter mile trip to Ol’ Ornery’s resting place.

First, Jeff climbed into the car. He stroked the seats, muttering under his breath. Jeff had loved cars, every single kind, since he was 3. He leaned forward and took the keys out of his pocket. He messed with the ignition, but all he heard was a sound he hadn’t heard before. It sounded kind of like the car was laughing. He tried a few more times, and the laughing changed into a choking sound. The problem was either just a lack of gas, which was far fetched, or something else under the hood.

As he was opening the hood, Jeff noticed that there was nothing to hold it up. The supports had probably fallen out. He spent almost 10 minutes looking for them around the car, under the car, in the backseat. Maybe they’d been stolen. So he carefully propped the hood open with a branched stick that had fallen out of one of the trees nearby. The stick was more than two inches thick, and still a bit green in the middle. When he pressed down on the hood, the stick barely bent at all. It should be more than sturdy enough, as long as it stayed balanced. He placed it close to the joint, where it pushed the hood open the widest.

Then he began to work. He checked belts, replacing a few as he went, but he couldn’t find where that weird noise was coming from. He dipped into the oil, but came up dry. No, wait. There was a tiny bit of oil at the bottom. Just to make sure, Jeff snipped a line to see if it was dry. Suddenly, Jeff’s face was splattered in oil. And just as suddenly, the soakage stopped and left a bewildered Jeff wondering where all that oil came from.

He ignored all the liquids from then on, and started concentrating on the engine itself. It seemed to be in good shape. That’s odd. And even weirder, the battery still has a huge charge left in it...

Careful not to touch it, Jeff hovered over the exposed battery terminals, eyeing it and wondering why nobody had noticed the 7-year-old charge. Suddenly, Jeff heard a crack. And then that weird noise…

Jeff awoke in a white room, with a white lady and red flowers next to his bed. His head was hurting something awful, but even worse was his face. It was burnt, burnt badly, and he could hardly open his mouth to ask what happened.

“Just relax Hon. You were found by Sean Huidey’s back door, with your face all burnt and your head bleeding. Mr. Huidey says last time he saw you, you were looking at that nasty old jeep. Is that true?”

“Yeah, but how’d I get-”

“Well, we looked around, and there were definitely some burn spots on the ground. But we can’t figure out how it happened.”

“There was a stick, and oil, and the battery! I used a stick to hold the hood, a real big stick, but I got oil on my face. So much oil.” Jeff sat up a little. “And the battery had huge power, real big power, and the stick broke and my face caught fire and-”

The nurse pushed him back down gently, and said, “Hon, there was no stick. We know, we looked for something that could have bashed your head like that. And that car was dry, no oil or battery. It’s more than seven years old, Hon!”

The nurse smiled gently and left to get the doctor because the patient’s heart rate was going up too much. “You just be a dear, and keep calm. Keep calm and try to rest.” The nurse thought pityingly, that nasty ol’ Ornery had taken another victim.

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
My Technology Bash
Friday. 12.1.06 11:58 pm
I feel the technology is Man’s way of staying alive. Without technology, humans would have died out before agriculture, because farming without tools is just not good enough for a growing population. So, man invents tools, to irrigate, to cultivate, and to protect. For now, man’s new technology means value and ownership, and people are greedy. So there are wars, with new technology in weapons and armor and all sorts of war tools. Then there’s peace, man working together to overcome a problem in nature. New technology is invented, helping with trade, with communication, with luxury. But the problem of value comes up again, of money. Some people grow in power and in wealth, leaving others in the dust. And, since there are more in the dust than on the clouds, revolt is inevitable.

 And it keeps getting worse and worse, becoming a vicious circle with no good end in sight. And then we realize another mistake. With the intention of powering our new toys, our electricity and cars and everything else, we have been destroying the air with fossil fuels, (which, by the way, are going to leave a very angry mankind behind when they suddenly run out) and other things, like our insect repellant, and our aerosol cans. And now, the frantic race to clean the atmosphere and all the rest of our planet that we’ve clear cut, burned down, mined, or even just living there and ruining the natural balance. The frantic race to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels before our economy crashes, because it all comes back down to wealth and power. And even now, another fight, another war, and I hope that there’s at least one more period of peace left afterwards.

We humans, we should never have gotten ourselves kicked out of Eden. We ruined the world for ourselves and everyone else in it. I think we were doomed to extinction, like every other species on this planet is. Technology was our way to prolong our deaths, to maintain, to entertain. But after a while, I’m sure that the same technology will be the death of us all.

If only there was a way to make things good again, to make humans holy and one with God, like in the beggining. Then there would be no need for technology, nor any want. I’m not sure how, but it would work out better than it’s working out now.

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Everything on this site, from the tidbit above to the background image, is a Stevo Original. It was made by me.

I didn't invent words, however, and something as large as the NuTang server is beyond me.

Please, e-mail me at [email protected] with questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!
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