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PC Brokeeee
Sunday. 8.2.09 2:35 pm
my pc got broke a few months ago so i'm at a cyber just came to check out some stuff. I made this entry because i wanted you to know that i've been busy doing some art stuff, i ll show you images when I buy a new PC.

Meanwhile I'll just study...for my exams.

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Mc donald's why is it so famous?
Wednesday. 1.21.09 2:54 pm
Ok here's the big question. We all know that Mc donald's has it all, many people go to mc donald's instead of burger king or another fast food restorant. My question is: What do you prefer? Burger King/ other fast food restorant or Mc Donald's?

Why do you think that people choose Mc Donald's always?

This question came up to me when I went to the shopping "Alto rosario" where you can see a lot of tables on centre and around lots of fast food restaurants, and the one that had more clients was Mc donald's they were few people in burger king or billy lomito or mostaza (places where you can see hambugers much bigger than mc donalds)

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My birthday!
Friday. 1.2.09 12:18 pm
Today january 2nd it's my birthday! I'm so happy, I'm 20 now :D->-< , people don't come too often to my birthday, because sometimes they are on holidays, but I some friends remind my birthday and stay, then at the next day they take their holidays.

This is a picture of me and my dog, I know it's summer and I look too white so what! I hate sunbathing:

Me alone against a wall, I like doing strange pictures:

Me having fun with my rammstein poster:

Finally me on august:

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A very basic tutorial
Monday. 12.29.08 1:17 pm
Ok so I'll show you how to make a macabre with only 2 pictures.

We have this texture image: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y58/Argentogirl/1062342_84285125.jpg
And this stock image:http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y58/Argentogirl/The_person_of_a_rain_by_LonelyPiero.jpg

We open this two pictures in Photoshop CS2, then with the rectuangular marquee tool we select the texture picture and then copy and paste into the other image:

The texture size may be very big, so with the move tool we'll make it smaller. Hint: By pressing and holding shift, you can modify the image without changing it's current form.

So now we have the texture in a nice size, you can also rotate it or make it smaller or bigger, as you like.

Then we will use the layers. To your right you will see a little window called "Layers" (if you can't see it go to window---> layer, that will show layers).
In that window, where it says "normal" we change it to "color burn".This is the result:

Now check the difference:

This is just a very basic tutorial, the secret it's to choose a nice texture for the image, in almost all my images the textures look dark and the other picture with a nice light.

In the next entry I will teach how to put non-human eyes in pictures.

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