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New Template
Monday, October 9, 2006
New template/layout up. Only looks good in Internet Explorer. It was originally going to be a layout for someone on a game called Horseland but then I really liked it. If you have comments, please put it in the next entry. Thanks. Now I have to go finish homework. I was procrastinating. xP

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I'm Back!
Monday, October 9, 2006
My dad fixed my internet yesturday so I'm back! I wish that I could've updated sooner but I had to do homework.

On Friday night, the wiring for my lower braces broke. I don't know how since I was eating either rice or pork that was really soft. So on Saturday, we went to my orthodonists' to get it fixed after they brought the message chair. My parents had bought a new massage chair that's black leather(?) and I guess its okay. I'm not a big massage person though. Then we went to Stoneridge mall because I had a 15% Discount coupon thing for American Eagle. I got a brand new sweatshirt which is really warm. I also got a brand new pair of shoes because my old ones were breaking. We then went to Wal-Mart and I got the new The Little Mermaid 2-Disc Special Edition DVD. I also got the limited edition 10-song music CD that came along with it. If my school has something like American Idol, I might try out with either the song One Dance or In Harmony. On Sunday, I didn't wake up until 12pm even though I had homework. I did some homework but then we went to have dinner with one of my aunts.

Today was a somewhat regular day. I wore a little foundation because the dark circles under my eyes were like really dark. We're starting to read A Seperate Peace in English, and so far, its been an okay book. I'm only on page 6, though. I got a B- on an AP Euro quiz. In PE, I wore my new shoes because I didn't bring any other shoes but it was okay since they didn't get too dirty. In science, we're going this egg osmosis lab and it was kind of gross since the eggs had been sitting in vinegar all weekend. It smelled really bad right when I walked into the classroom. After part 1 of the lab, we were supposed to get a head start on our homework and there was this one guy who was chasing Oreo (the class bunny. he's so cute and fluffy. I spent practically the entire class on Friday petting him). Oreo hid under this thing that held a huge fan and the guys like "What a nice rabbit scarf." He was joking but that was so mean.

In math, we had to go to the math lab to work on this geometry program thing. When we walked back to class, I talked to this guy that I have a crush on. I mentioned him in the private entry but we'll just refer to him as H. Well, anyways. We just talked about school and stuff but whatever. He asked me for the answer to one of the questions and I gave it to him but I was like "I don't know if its right, though." because I didn't. And then he was like, "Its okay, you're smart." But he's the one who's in two math classes this year. I don't know how he handles that. But I guess it'd be easier than AP Euro. I'm like dying from that class. But the good thing is that I get more credits and hopefully my senior year will be a breeze.

Plugs: randomjunk, Kuri

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My Internet Broke!
Sunday. 10.8.06 3:45 pm
My internet broke! I am so mad at it right now. It was working fine on Thursday but then on Friday it wouldn't work. And its already Sunday right now. I needed to use the internet for homework so I'm currently using my mom's computer. I'm going to ask my dad to see if he can try and fix it, if he can, then I'll reply to comments and make new ones. In the meantime, I have to go finish my homework.

Plugs: Silver-dot-, randomjunk

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Thursday, October 5, 2006
Sorry about the private entry. I won't do that too much, maybe like a few times a week.

Anyways. So far today, I've drank 6 cups of tea. I want to drink some more but my dad's downstairs playing the piano at11:35pm and I don't want to go down and see him.

50 minutes later....
My parents and I just had a mini Moon Festival midnight snack because my dad was going to be home tomorrow night (or tonight since its already past 12). One of my dad's customers gave him a box of moon cake a few days ago so we tried that today. But it wasn't like the moon cake that we were used to having. The outside was more like bread and the inside looked like cake ("birthday cake" cake, not "moon cake" cake). It was actually some sort of bean stuff along with some meat. It was okay but I could have done without the meat. I wish I could take a picture and show it to you guys. Maybe I'll ask my mom for her digital camera. Then we had some of the more traditional kind but they were mini ones with the fruit flavors inside. They were okay too but the strawberry one was way too sweet and the pineapple one stuck to my braces. We also had tea with it and I got to be the tea pourer. I love doing that because its so fun. I can never get all the cups the same color though. But then again, only a few of the cups are actually white inside. I think we're going to be eating the garfield shaped moon cake that my uncle gave my brother and I, tomorrow.

I'm currently listening to a french radio station online. My french teacher posted links on her website to other sites with french games, music, tv, and all that other stuff but I've only checked out the radio and tv pages. Well, I went to the music videos page too but they didn't have my favorite french singer. I was so upset about that. :( But oh well. I don't really understand anything that they say on the radio. I catch like maybe one or two words. But the station that I listen to, Only Rai or something like that, plays french songs, french-english songs, and english songs, so I really like it.

Does anyone use BlogSoldiers? Well, if you don't, you might want to check it out. Its the last button in my links module. They have two contests going on and one of them is to see who surfs the highest amount of pages in like a week or so. I got 5th place last time but I'm aiming for first this time. Its gotten me an okay amount of visits. Even though you only get 1/2 credit for every page you visit, I like it better than BlogMad. I don't know why though. You also have to wait less time and everytime you view a page, not only do you get credits to have your blog rotating, you get text and banner imps too. I haven't used any of those, though. I need to make a banner for this blog. That reminds me that I need to make a layout for Kuri's website and a template for this blog. Shoot.... I totally forgot that I had promised Kuri a layout... Kuri, if you're reading this, I am sooooooo sorry! I promise to get to it as soon as possible.

Its almost 1am so I better go finish my homework now. I'll try to update more often from now on.

Plugs: Kuri, teal

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