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My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)
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why do the scales have to remain balanced?
Saturday. 10.2.10 6:22 pm
It's kind of ironic because my zodiac sign is the scales. But that's not the point if this entry.

First, though, the good news. Jacob got a job!!! Which means that I'll be putting in my two week notice on Monday and I'll be leaving Las Vegas sometime early the week of the 17th. That's actually right around when I thought I'd be leaving in the first place. I'm so excited. He starts on Tuesday so on Wednesday when we find out what his schedule is we'll be buying his plane ticket to come back out to get me. I'm so excited! I can't wait to put in my notice and then I really can't wait until my last day at that hell hole.

Now, the bad news to balance out the scales. I got a bill for $4705 from the apartments that I abandoned. Not kidding. It's that much. Half of that is fees for abandoning the apartment without notice. And the other half is all the charges for having the replace the stuff that the cat ruined: carpets, door frames, re-painting the walls, etc. I have 30 days to pay it or it goes to collections. I plan on calling my lawyer to see what I can do to maybe lower the charges, but since I have 30 days to do so, I plan on waiting until I am out of Las Vegas before calling.

I just can't seem to have something good happen to me without a slight catch. Oh well. That's just how life is I guess.

Anywho, I'll probably write again on Monday just stating how that went with me putting in my notice and telling people when my last day will be. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually am looking forward to Monday. Probably the first and only time.

Till next time NuTang. . .

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Wednesday. 9.29.10 9:10 pm
My right bottom wisdom tooth is trying to grow in again. It hasn't reached the full level of pain yet, but it's getting there. Even chewing the noodles that I had for dinner earlier were bothering me.

The pain will subside in a few days. It always does.

I'm so fed up with work it's incredible. There's just nothing I can do about it because of how soon I'm leaving.

Speaking of which, I think I spoke too soon. I know that I told everyone that the possibility of leaving as soon as the 12th was tentative, but I'll probably be here longer than that. Unless Jacob gets hired tomorrow or Friday, I'll be staying longer than previously anticipated.

My birthday is in 6 days. Counting the actual day of my birth.

You know what the best thing about the Fall is beside the {supposed} cool weather? All the good shows come back on TV. Although I don't watch TV, Hulu plays most of my favorite shows. If Hulu doesn't play it, then unfortunately I don't watch it. And I say supposed cool weather because, although this is fall, the highs for this whole week are up in the low 100s. It was right at 100 or 101 today. And tomorrow will be the same. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to the temperature difference between here and Seattle.

Anywho, that's the newest update. Until next time NuTang ...

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another week of uneventfulness
Sunday. 9.26.10 1:52 pm
After talking to Jacob for a bit, diving into my book and sleeping, I am feeling better than I did on Friday. I just kind of had to take it for what it was and deal with it. I got out of the house yesterday, ran some errands and actually ate a "healthier" meal. I got a 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki sandwich from Subway. I added cucumbers, tomatoes and banana peppers. It's a much healthier choice than the stuff I'd been eating recently. Now I just need to motivate myself to go out in the 102 degree heat and walk for a mile or so. Eating healthier is easy. It's finding the motivation to go out in the heat that's hard.

That's why Seattle will be a much better environment. It'll be nice all the time so I'll want to go outside more often. That and Jacob and I plan on taking walks a few times a week. I just want to lose the weight before I get up to WA so that I'll be able to maintain it once I'm there. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll start cooling off a little in the next week. Don't see that happening, though.

I don't really have much else to say. Until Jacob actually finds a job, it's just a sit-back-and-wait situation. Once he gets hired, then I'll have more to talk about because I'll be doing stuff to prepare for when he comes back down to get me. So ... keep your fingers crossed, guys, that he gets something soon. I don't want to write a blog about murdering someone because I've lost my patience or that I'm being hauled away to a loony bin from losing my sanity.

Until next time NuTang ...

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I can't stand it here anymore
Friday. 9.24.10 6:28 pm
So this weekend was supposed to be a good weekend and now it's all gone to shit. Jacob's mom and grandmother were going to be out of town for the whole weekend and I was finally going to have some peace and quiet and alone time. But then I get a phone call from his mom saying that they forgot something so they were just going to come back. That they were already on their way back.


I seriously started crying. I'm so pissed off right now. I need some time to myself. I can't deal with having to be present all the time. I want to be able to sleep whenever I want and not have to worry about being interrupted or questioned on why I'm so tired. I want to be able to eat when I'm hungry without having to worry if I'm going to spoil dinner, even though I never know when dinner is ever going to be. I just need a couple days to myself! Apparently that's too much to ask.

I'm already going out of my mind. It's only been two weeks. And I still have about two or three weeks left ... depending.

I just want to leave. I want to get away. I want to be left alone. I want to hole myself up in my room and ignore any calls that aren't Jacob. I want my privacy back. I can't stand it here anymore.

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one week down, a few more to go
Saturday. 9.18.10 12:03 pm
So Jacob has been gone for a week ... it feels like it's been so much longer than that. I seriously can't wait until the time comes for me to go up there. It's still not going to be for a few more weeks; I'll most likely be leaving mid-October. The dates are tentative, just simply because he hasn't gotten a job yet, but since it's still a few weeks away we'll be standing by those dates unless something changes.

My job is getting worse and worse by the day. Probably because I'm so close to leaving, the little things that were already getting to me are getting to me even more. I just have to keep telling myself to get through one day at a time and soon enough it'll be time for him to fly back out to get me.

His mom is driving me crazy. I think she misses him more than she's letting on and it's driving me nuts. I don't mind spending time with her, but I also want to do my own thing. The fact that we pretty much work the same schedule means that we're home at the same times and we're both off on the weekends. I seriously wish I could have gotten this lucky with Jacob. It would have been great to have almost the same schedule as him, but unfortunately it didn't work out that way. Hopefully in WA I'll be able to get a job and work my schedule around what his already is.

Anywho, I just wanted to give a quick update. I've made it through a week. And even though the dates for when I'm quitting and leaving NV are not set in stone yet, it's nice to have an estimated time as to when this will all be happening.

Till next time NuTang...

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I can't wait
Sunday. 9.12.10 1:46 pm
So Jacob left for Washington very, very early Saturday morning; like around 2am. Yesterday was the hardest day to get through. Today is a little better and the fact that he's almost there comforts me. I'll feel a little better once I know that he's getting settled in and is looking for work. We'll be talking to each other every day, but the one phone call I receive from him telling me to put in my two week notice will be the best phone call ever. I seriously can't wait until I'm up there with him. I have to be patient, though. I can't expect him to find work in the first couple days. That's what we're both hoping for, especially since he's got a few highly potential offerings, but we have to be realistic. Still, though, I can't wait till he flies back down and we're driving my car up there. Even though we won't be able to do much sight seeing on the way up, I'm still looking forward to the drive up there with him. It'll be the first time that the two of us has gone on any kind of lengthy drive. I don't count the five hour drive to Disneyland because someone else was in the car with us. This time it'll just be the two of us.

Anywho, I added three new pictures to my gallery. {don't ask me why the pictures are so big ... I'm not sure how to fix them} It's pictures of myself, my fianc� and me and my engagement ring. They're the most recent I have and I'll probably be adding more once we're on the road, so in about a month or so. You can view them here. I want to buy a camera before I head up there so I can use something that's better than the camera on my phone. Perhaps Best Buy will have a sale on cameras within the next month.

Alrighty, I just wanted to give an update. I'm not making any promises, but I might be updating a little more during the next month just simply because I'll be bored out of my mind just waiting for the time to come for me to leave the desert.

Till next time NuTang. . .

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