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Welcome to the Merrick

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous.
Actually, who are you not to be?

my loves
Li Rong
Michelle michelle
ET Laine
ultimate swayness
Thursday. 9.28.06 11:54 pm
(fyi: Sway is Singlish for Bad luck)

IT all started off with a bad morning , a few days back, i was late for work, and upon reaching work found my IN tray filled to the brim. was frantically clearing my stuff. I needed to clear all the deals in the system before i can run my system report and and update my spreadsheet and submit to the dealers, all this with perfect to the last decimal place condition by 9.30.

was submerged by work all the way till 3+ when i came up for air and i realised another huge mistake. I've input a wrong figure into my spreadsheet by missing 1 zero at the back of 30 000 000. It should have been 300 000 000 instead. almost had a heartattack there and den. and if i did, i probably would have struck 4d too.tho i suppose i was lucky to get away with just *tsk~!* from the woman dealer whu requires the report. the figures i'm talking abt are money values btw, tho thank goodness its just yen. How to bloody see when all the bloody zeros stick together sia~! but thats beside the point. haiz.

so i OTed till 7+ and D was waiting for me, again. (actually, all the time lah) decided to go tanjong pagar market/hawker to have dinner.

ran into lindy on the way, i think i might have compunded my swayness just by talking to her for a bit before her train came. we all know lindy is plagued by swayness right.

on our way to food, was so relieved tat work is finally over, and i can finally relax.

but u know where i'm going with this right?

along the pavement and under some trees we merrily went, walking side by side.
the excited sounds of the evening birds roosting on the trees.

and SPLAT! Bloody f up bird pooped on me!!!!!

right on my nose bridge!!!



btw, thanks to whoever has been rating my blog. tho i suppose i'm not a very interesting person. ke.

i'm kinda astonded coz i've nv had been rating my blog until recently despite being a nutang old timer.

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Sunday. 9.24.06 4:28 am
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