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Adda Mabalina
About Me

Age. 33
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. Filipino
Location , CA
School. Other
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This is for me, but maybe for you too.
Wednesday. 8.7.19 3:07 pm
what Does self compassion look like?

I’ve struggled with self love all my life. I tend to put others before me, I forget about my own needs, and a lot of the times my cup runs on empty giving to others when I need to nurture myself. I have a hard time forgiving myself when I feel I did something wrong. Guilt has been with me at times where I know he didn’t need to be present. Maybe it’s my childhood, or maybe it’s the people pleasing side of me. I don’t know what caused it, but I want to fix it.

I think self love and self compassion are both things I have lacked in all my life. This morning, the first thought that even came to my mind was negative. “Oh, you messed up on your diet last night, you failed.” I caught myself, realizing even my first thought will impact the rest of my day today, if I let that idea become the main focus of today. If I continue to tell myself I’m a failure throughout the day, what would that look like? Frustration. Anger. Sadness. Probably lashing out on family because on the inside, I feel like a failure.

So this morning, I took time to talk to myself. I had my mind and my body speak to eachother (as lame as all this sounds, I guess it was my form of meditation). I had my body speak first. It told my mind “I forgive you” and “thank you” for doing my best to take care of it. This body has transformed in so many ways. Weight loss, weight gain, dry skin, to healthy skin, stretch marks, cellulite, and even lack of cellulite at times. My body transforms in different ways, and it also carries me throughout all my life’s journey. It’s me, and it’s beautiful, and it will forever be changing.I asked what my body wants from me. And it isn’t to starve to makeup for yesterday. My body simply said listen. “Listen when I’m full. Listen when I’m hungry. Listen when you need to rest. And listen when I can continue to keep going. Listen to what makes me happy, listen to what makes me feel unhealthy. Just listen”

My mind, forgave itself. It’s a continuing struggle, but I forgive myself. I thank my body for carrying my mind. I thank my mind for fighting through life’s challenges. I thank my mind for having self compassion this morning.

My mantra this year, is to be the best me I can possibly be. That version I envision of myself, that’s who I truly am. That’s the goal I strive to live for. How do you become the best you that you can possibly be? By loving the living shit out of yourself. And to also know that guilt doesn’t have to be your best friend. Instead, forgive and love yourself as you do with those you care about. Love you despite your mistakes. Forgive those mistakes, and move on with your life. And when guilt creeps it’s ugly head in times where it should not be present, simply listen to that still small voice that says “I forgive you.”

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Thursday. 7.18.19 9:38 pm
“I think men are lovely, but I don't think that women should relate everything they do to men: did he hurt me, do I forgive him, did he put a ring on my finger? We women are so conditioned to relate everything to men. Put a group of women together and the conversation will eventually be about men. Put a group of men together and they will not talk about women at all, they will just talk about their own stuff. We women should spend about 20 per cent of our time on men, because it's fun, but otherwise we should also be talking about our own stuff.” - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

I always write about boys.

I can’t promise I won’t ever write about boys again, but I realize I let my life revolve around how I feel about men, and how they feel about me. God, I feel so vapid.

I always think of what a perfect relationship would be like, for me. I’m all about love. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, but I think it’s soo much of my center focus in life. Instead, I want to picture the perfect life for MYSELF, with or without a companion. I want to love the relationship I have with myself. This whole time of “focusing on me” was so I can be ready to be in a relationship again. I realize that is the wrong way to think about life. I should focus on me...because I AM me. Life will continue with or without a companion. I need to focus on me for myself, not to be ready for somebody else. I have goals for myself, and it’s beautiful.

I want to see the potential in everyday. I want to laugh with myself everyday. I want to be a better dog mom. I want to be a better nurse. I want to feel healthy everyday. I want to feel good in my body, staring in the mirror. I want to be a better daughter. I want to work more, and enjoy it. I want to challenge myself. I want to believe in myself. I want to grow, not for a relationship. Not for anyone else. I want to be the best me...for myself. I want to be proud of myself, for myself.

Just as Pink Sweat$ says in his song Honesty, “Your thinking is all wrong, Love will happen when it wants”, I need to stop revolving my life around wanting and being loved.

Fuck that, my life is for me.

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