COMMUNITIES Anime-Club Anime-Mania Anime-XG Animezup Anime-Angels FANSUB Anime Club Generation Diclonius Itadakimasu Sannis Storm Riders Shinobi AnonimTV BLOG-URI ANIME Kmeleon's Weblog Anime Reviews aikan Anime Junctions Bakaism | Setting blog ... Engage! Thursday. 8.2.07 3:56 pm Where none of my writings has gone before: this blog. This was suppose to go yesterday but Nutang did't let me open the page for a new post *still amazed*. But it's here now and here it goes, warp 5 and everything: The Net Findings of 01.07.2007: 1. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ED Theme, FULLY downloadable, the full version released as a DVD special. I didn't dwl it yet so no review, but now I have the wish to finish the series. I think I was at ep.10 (not that long ago, a week ago max.). I liked the song for the ED and the dance did caught my attention, so it seems like fun :) BTW, the YouTube link is not working anymore, YouTube deleted the video. 2. When it's too much and you JUST don't realise: Evidence 1, 2 and 3. Do I really need any more comment? On the hobby things: I ordered my first manga, NANA vol.1, from MangaShop.ro. Can't wait, even if it will take some Time. But I did used all the points the registration gives, and it's a lot cheeaper. Will take some time till the next buy ... I think *willing to make some sacrifices if me like*. On my sites: Ppl didn't seem to like the new theme I put on the NataliaForum.lx.ro. I was hesitating on ellecting it as the forum's main theme. Romanian anime fansubbing news: Anime Club generation is back again. They released the 1st ep of Venus Versus Virus, but I believe it's an english translation :( . I am curious, but I won't dwl incomplete series anymore. I like the new tracker they moved on to. Comment! (4) | Recommend! | Categories: Net findings [t], Life [t], Work [t], Anime [t], Star Trek [t], Blog [t] WE HAVE MOVED! Sunday. 6.3.07 1:29 am Yesterday I saw a post on a Nutang blog that explained that anime hosting blogs are not the purpose of this service. As this is their home, I decided to respect their rules so I moved the blog. The new adress : AnimeChan.lx.ro. See you all there :) Comment! (1) | Recommend! |
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