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Welcome to the Merrick

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous.
Actually, who are you not to be?

my loves
Li Rong
Michelle michelle
ET Laine
Sunday. 10.29.06 3:36 am
cooking today~!

dunno why suddenly feel like cooking

hope the food doesn't turn out crappy
i usually cook based on mood. i anyhow marinate, anyhow cook and see how it turns out. lol

i dun rem successful receipes, but i rem the bad ones. so usually the food turns out at the bare minimum edible.

i've been trying v hard to rem how i did this steamed chix thing. super delicious and i have to practically pry my sis away from the plate.

but i dun rem how. damn.

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wo ai ni
Sunday. 10.29.06 2:25 am
i keep thinking its only saturday today. but its already halfway thru sunday.

saw this on MTV
-its an old song but still touching

was watching the production show for this
and its based on a true story.

the woman after she left, got married.

but eventually after decades, she came back to look for the guy.
not expecting the guy was still waiting for her.

the guy never opened the box.
he sad he was afraid that if he opened the box , he would lose her.

the ending:
the woman went back to her husband.

and asked her husband to let her return to the guy

her husband gave in, and even bought them a home. because he wanted her to be happy.

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