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Age. 524
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Homework and Sleep go hand in hand.
Monday, April 14, 2008
I just recovered from an hour long nap.

Waking up is hard work.

After watching some afternoon TV...a wave of drowsiness hit me right at 5. Within 5 minutes I was sleeping very soundly. I think I woke up around 6...but didn't get off the recliner until 6:10.

I went to drink something icy around 6:15. Listened to the radio after opening some windows at 6:20. Now I am using the computer for no specific reason; it is now 6:35.

My homework needs to be done/started soon.

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Frustration. Of Epic Proportion.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
All of my bookmarks have been deleted from my Mozilla browser.


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Monday, March 24, 2008
I just came back from the "Top of the Tribe" ceremony of awards at my school.
Ahhh, it feels so good to get an award


Ahhhh, cookies+brownies+croissants+rice krispies are so good.

Time for tv

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I feel like...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I feel like going out for an Easter Egg Hunt.

Candy sounds good right now.
Argh...I have to go do chores now.

Edited 3:06 PM:
I just took an 1 1/2 long nap
At least I woke up before falling into complete 'dead-person' sleepy-time.

Edited 7:30 PM:
I just finished playing badminton with some neighborhood kids. Hahaha...I remember when I was one of the neighborhood kids...

Ok, back to what I was going to tell you-I went out in the front yard with my brother at 6:10 to play some badminton ( since he owed me a game) and about 5-10 minutes after we have commenced with the game...2 kids come and say "Hey! that looks like fun! Can we play??" or something of that nature...
SO my brother and I look at each with glances that imply "Well, what can we do? Let's just let them play." We gave them our rackets and they started to play [not so well]. They were having fun though.
Then the kid (another boy) from across the street comes and asks if he can play...I gave him a spare small racket while the other boys had the normal size (big kid) rackets.
My brother goes inside to do homework. And I am out there with 3 small kids I don't know. Yes, it was scary.

After about 20 minutes, the mom of the first 2 boys came to get them. I took their places and played with the remaining boy (Zac; I didn't find out the names of the other boys...hahaha). A few minutes pass, his sister comes out to play with us. (Jenna. She's a few years older than Zac, but still a young kid.)

We played for about an hour. When we were done the sun already set.
Or you could put it this way- we played until the annoying mini flies/gnats flew around and around my face while I kept swatting them away.
This experience was pretty fun. The kids aren't as scary now.

The main thing I wanted was to play badminton today...
and I GOT IT! Heheh

Argh...I still need to do the MATH HOMEWORK! AHHHHHHHGH.

++I need to figure out a coordinating color scheme for this page

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Easter quiz time.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

You Are an Egg that Looks Like a Chicken

Cute but totally completely confused.

Yeah, it's been a slow and somewhat tiring few days.
Spring break isn't here yet

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Happy Pi Day ^__^
Friday, March 14, 2008

Hahaha...YESSS a whole day to celebrate that seemingly endless decimal.
Oh 3.14....you are so cool
Sadly, I did not have any pie today though.

++++Happy Friday also!

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