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��Kuriח[//Version: RetroRuki]

Age. 34
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. Chinese
Location England, United Kingdom
School. Other
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2nd - First Day of Work!
3rd - Di's Bday!
4th - Xixi's Bday!
5th - Felix's Bday!
7th - Tan's Sleepover
8th - Uni Enrolment Opens
9th - CK.TW.ORG 2nd Anniversary!, Tim T's Bday!
10th - Selina's Bday!
14th - YG Social!
19th - Sylphie's Bday!
27th - Nuddle's Bday!
28th - WARWICK UNI!!!
29th - Fresher's Fortnight!


8th - Maruchan's Bday!
9th - Fresher's Ball!
12th - Evanevan's Bday!
13th - End Fresher's Fortnight :(
17th - Elliot W's Bday!
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[Oh, Nu PPL!]
23/08/11 16:05
I am...

feeling: Unproductive =p
watching: Nada

So I'm here at work and not doing anything extremely productive and I think, why not visit my old NuTang buddies, check up on their lives, leave them some comments and shamelessly promote my new website?

Lol, but who knew, I wanted to do that commenting thing were I could enter my own website address... but all of you, no, srsly, all of you have set it to "members comment only"!!!

Whaaaaaaaaaaat! Even ppl I didn't expect to have that (aka ppl who have not used NuTang for quite a while) had that setting... T_T Is the NuSpam really that bad?

Anyways, here I go, off to stalk see how you are all doing now~~~ And pls pls check out my website (and leave a comment) when you have time~~^^

the winner takes it all


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[First Ever Domain!]
08/06/11 19:19
I am...

feeling: Tired!
watching: Friends

My new site aka my first ever domain is finally up! :D

Actually it was up a couple of days ago, but I finally finished all the pages (more or less) today~~ So yaaay! ^^ If you guys have time, please head on over and take a look and leave me a comment if you want~

I still got some stuff left to do on it but they'll take a while and I wanted to get it launched asap so...

summersonata.net welcomes you!

Please go take a look!^^ And I didn't bother forcing people to register to comment. Captcha was enough methinks!

i hope you'll see my site one day :)


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[Quick Question Guys!!]
02/06/11 01:17
I am...

feeling: SLEEPYYY
watching: Nada

It's 1am and I'm hella tired but I wanna get my site launched by next week so am working on it a lot (plus I'm going to Prague over the weekend so no time to work on it then!) So... quick question for you guys before I nip off to bed:

As I'm using cutenews and cutenews enjoys being spammed, I've set it to only registered users can comment. If you were to visit my site, would you register to comment?

There's also a tagboard actually. But just out of curiosity, how many of you would actually register? (It's literally a 5 second registration, asks for your email but does nothing with it).

Ok need sleep, ty for your replies <3

i hope you'll see my site one day :)


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[Purchased Domain!]
30/05/11 17:24
I am...

feeling: Excited <3
watching: Nada

People who know me online will probably know that I've kept blogs and had various personal websites since about 2003. Then my journey came to CK.TW.ORG in 2006, when I finally started doing webdesign more and got hosted at a subdomain.

Then some time in 2009, my site suddenly stopped working. My hostess' domain disappeared without any warning and I didn't even get warned that her plan had come to an end (I'm assuming that's what happened) so I should backup my stuff.

Relatively heartbroken, I stopped bothering with personal websites and didn't try to resurrect it, always hoping that the website I'd come to love would some day suddenly start working again and that it was just a temporary problem with my host.

Obviously, that never happened.

So, two years later, I discovered a friend who has a website hosted by another friend of mine (whom I'd known for longer than the other friend actually, and who'd been an affie of mine for many years/sites). All of a sudden, I wanted my own domain and my own personal website again.

I asked my friend if she would be willing to host me too, as soon as she agreed I purchased my own domain for the first time and got hosted by the friend of mine <3

I need to just quickly plug her here cos she's too amazing: Hera

...Yeah! This happened on the evening of the 28th May. I've been working so hard on my site for the past couple of days and finally finished the layout and css coding today.

Originally I just wanted to resurrect CK.TW.ORG cos I still have all the files (and found out that... I actually still have all the cutenews entries, somehow the cutenews files work for my new site too <3) but I think I'll do something new with it instead!

We'll see, I'm still a little undecided, but a little at a time, no?^^

I'll launch the site soon :)

Please anticipate it! XD And many thanks again to Hera! If it wasn't for her I so would have just given up on personal websites <333

happy happy!


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[Gaga Horns and False Prophets]
22/05/11 22:31
I am...

feeling: VERY Disturbed!
watching: Nada

So for some reason, a Lady Gaga fan page link ad came up on my Facebook and like 58 of my friends (out of like 1160) liked her, which... is actually quite a few tbh haha. Plus I was also a fan. So I clicked the link.

Oh man, her new album cover is revolting. Then I was suddenly reminded of my friend telling me she'd grown horns and did a google search on it.

Seriously on some of the photos she looks like Satan incarnated ><;; Ok personally I have never seen what Satan really looks like, nor do I want to, but I reckon if Satan had a human form, she'd be it.

Man she disturbs me to no end. The thing is I do actually like her music and have one of her albums was obsessed with Lovegame and a few other songs of hers at one point and was also quite impressed with her fashion sense before...

But now she's just taken it too far.

I actually felt rather sick looking at some of her photos. The stuff she says, the stuff she does... Really, to me, it just screams 666. I'm pretty sure she's made a pact with the devil... and I'm not even sure if I'm speaking metaphorically anymore >_>;;

I just came back from Church today and so yeah... really quite disturbed.

Actually first, I saw a load of shiz about the "prophet" who claimed the world was supposed to end yesterday... I dno who're dumber: the "prophet" making these claims or the people who believe him.

I can't call him a Christian, because if he was one he wouldn't even have made the predictions. The bible states specifically that nobody but the Father knows the time of the second coming of Christ. So even if you do make such predictions, you should know yourself that it's not gna be that day and you certainly should not try and lead others into believing it too.

It's written in Matthew that we should beware of false prophets. It's disturbing the amount of people that are now claiming Christ is not real because this guy's prophecy did not come true.

I'm wondering, all these donations that this guy got... it's kinda obvious that they either weren't Christians, or if they were, they were Christians who did not read the Bible... which would again make me question if they were Christians in the first place.

But surely, surely these people would have the slightest bit of a brain and realise that... this guy already predicted the apocalypse to be 1994, which we already all survived, so the ones who donated this time must... really... be very... not smart?

And the Bible states that after Jesus comes again, believers will be lifted up and there would be great disasters on Earth, then Jesus will come down to Earth, Satan would be cast into the Abyss and there will be a thousand years of joy, then Satan will be released again to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth and gather them for battle.

Then fire will come down from heaven and devour them all, the dead will then be judged according to the records of the book of life and then the will be a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 20-21).

This guy predicted God would destroy the Earth then the Universe 5 months later. Anyone who read Revelation would know that it's absolute rubbish -_-;;

I really am rather speechless!!

But yah sorry for the rant >_>;;

the world is getting so messed up, right??


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[Omona o_O]
20/05/11 17:30
I am...

feeling: Ill
watching: Invincible Youth

Gosh, so it's been like a really long while since I updated anything. I guess I've been lazy as hell and I should really start writing stuff again. I haven't blogged, I haven't vlogged, what have I been doing???

In my defence, I've been really busy these past couple of weeks. My second semester has now begun and I really am working harder. I've felt slightly ill all this week though so constantly have headaches that are starting to drive me nuts! T_T

I turned 21... Lol, the big 2-1. Ah, I had been meaning to blog/vlog about that but I never did either ><;; Honestly it was probably the best celebration I'd ever had^^ I had ppl from nearby cities come over to our 'bible study' group on Monday night to celebrate with me <3

I had so many gifts and I even had 3 cakes!! So damn amazing, all those who helped and came to celebrate with me.


I just came back from grocery shopping. Getting slightly poor these days but apparently our final Erasmus grant is like 380EUR/Month so when I finish this year abroad I'm getting another �1000+ in my bank <3 Praise God for that!! <3

I went on a bible camp and made some lovely new friends^^ That was nice too :D Tho it really was slightly strange. I got a few things straightened out there as well, so it was a worthwhile trip :)

I've also recently becoming rather addicted to watching Invincible Youth and I'm so freaking happy f(x) are now like winning numerous #1's at long, long last! I'm also considering making a new layout for this page. This one has been here too long and is getting rather boring, no? Haha XD

Now I gotta get back to studying^^ Hopefully in future I can do some blogs in German~

take care everyone~


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