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What in the world?
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Contributed by dave

What exactly is NuWorld?

This is the trademark feature of xPPGY. Now, a complete explanation of xPPGY would take eons. All you need to know about is xPPGY is that Papagoya invented it from the future. True fact.

The purpose of this article is to teach you the basics of NuWorld. After you read this, not only will you feel full of hope and glory, but you will also be compelled to persuade all your friends to join NuTang too! Now, that's exciting to hear!

The Buttons

On the upper-left, you will find the zoom functions. The level of zoom here is pretty amazing. Try it out yourself.

To further navigate, you can always drag the map with your mouse. To do this, you must hold down the left button of the mouse.

On the upper-right, you will find the camera view controls. There are 3 options:
Map - This is the default view.
Satellite - This shows the satellite view of the world.
Hybrid - A mixture of the above two views.

The Figures
Right now, there are three figure images:
- A male member.
- A female member.
- A popular member!
The five most popular members are displayed on the map at all times (whether they are currently online or not). Popularity is calculated using an advanced formula derived in the future. However, a good rule of thumb is: the more visitors your site, the more popular you are!

If you click on a member, an information box will pop up containing some profile information and a "tagline." You can update your tagline from the home page:

How do I add myself to the NuWorld?

Glad you asked, my dear friend. For US-members, it's easy. Just update your zip code (refer to above pic). Disclaimer! Zip codes are being created all the time, so there is that slim possibility we don't have your zip code stored in our database. If you find that you're still not on the map after your update your zip code, try entering in the zip code of a neighboring municipal. Or, follow the instruction below.

For Non-US members & members who want to display their exact location
1. Go edit NuTROL's Update Profile (Basic Info).
2. Use the 'Zoom' utility.
To do this, click the 'Zoom' button and a new window will pop up. Then, follow the instructions on this new window.

Hey, that's about it. If you have more questions? Ask on the forums!
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