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General Discussion » Why Things Piss You OFF!!
changbang | Why Things Piss You OFF!! - Posted on 2007-03-05 15:04:29
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There are things that women hate about men. For example I have been trying to tell this guy that I am not interested in him. I only like him as a friend but he is NOT getting the message. It is so irritating!

Does anyone else have similar things that they just cant stand?

What pisses you off?

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KKama67 | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 01:56:47
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I love this forum topic. it is sooooo therapeutic!!

LostSoul13 | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 02:35:16
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I hate that this guy I'm talking to online is constantly insisting on meeting me, but there's only one small problem. I don't have a car, so if he wants to meet me before I can go out with another friend, he has to come to my work to meet me. {I work in a restaurant} but he won't do it. He keeps wanting to come to my apt and I won't let him. He's not getting the flat out 'no, its not going to happen' that I tell him almost every time he brings it up. Grr!

KKama67 | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 11:32:11
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sounds like the guy only wants ONE thing. Drop him like a hot potato!


What pisses me off is the thinking that maybe all this happened because of illegal hosting of downloaded anime and movies??

nrtnSCorporate | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 12:31:18
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hm? what do you mean, "What pisses me off is the thinking that maybe all this happened because of illegal hosting of downloaded anime and movies?? "

KKama67 | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 13:10:33
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maybe, yes. I mean it takes up space on the server and uses bandwith.. when we exceed that Dave has to either buy more or delete stuff off. There are also legal issues behind all that stuff. Look what is happening with youtube now. alot of videos cannot be viewed anymore.

Katrina | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 13:33:02
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Well unless their hosting is http it's not taking any more bandwidth then people checking out your blog kKaMa. If they use Megaupload and such, which I believe they do, then bandwidth isn't the problem. Hosting licensed stuff on a blog is a problem. All of the people hosting have html experience so I'm not sure why they won't just use a free website. Oh yeah they won't have a chance of getting paid for it...jerks.

A lot of stuff can piss me off depending on how good my day is going.

KKama67 | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 13:39:39
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Well that's good to know. Thanks Katrina. :)

Katrina | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-09 14:03:34
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You're welcome. :) I hope dave gets the messages and fixes NuTang soon. I'm going through the shakes already from not being able to blog...

changbang | Untitled - Posted on 2007-03-10 11:04:28
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i hate it when my little brother treats me like crap in front of my moms face then i start yelling at him and she tells me to shut up along with my bratty little brother

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