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Political correctness
Karen Cheng - This lady must love perth
as much as I do!! Great read, web designer

Ayu - Another nutang bud, luv her
site designs! Sweet person..

Bitch- a "bitch" NOT! Cool Nutang girl!

KOban - NUtang boy who likes ff like me!, from sg too.

ShaShaBoo - she mah home girl..hehe
nutanger too!!

Vera - Frm Atlanta, US, alwiz has
something interesting to say!

JulAngel - Friend from 1st yr uni at Murdoch, Honkie at heart but living in Perth.

- another nutanger...very cool blog, she knows how to write!

Aussie Poida - A work friend, also from Perth. A live journal junkie/nintendo person
Count me in
BOYZ II MEN concert rocked!
Monday. 9.12.05 10:11am
Last night was the BOYZ II MEN concert! It was sooo damn good! I was very impressed and the tickets were WORTH IT! It was Gail, Jess, Mel, John, Danae & friend, Heidi & I at the concert. We had a really good time...I love them sooo much! hehe. They sang the Boys to men classics like 'End of the road', 'down on bended knee', 'Mama', a few motown classics and their new stuff. It was rocking, the crowd was up and dancing and everyone was excited. hehe. I regret not bringing my digi, but hopefully my friends will send me some pics ;)

Only 3 of the BOYZ II MEN showed, but it was still excellent! Tash was performing too, a friend I know from highschool...she is becoming a star..and it's so cool to know someone who is soo talented! :) Then 'Random' sang on stage, they are from ' X-FACTOR' the tv reality show, they were good too.

The songs of BOYZ II MEN just move me so much, it reminds me of my primary school, highschool years... The song 'Mama' really made me cry for some reason. I guess it has always touched my heart and reminds me of what my mother has done for me all these years bringing me and my brothers up.

I ended up with a headache at the end of the concert because I was screaming, plus I only got to sleep at 6:30 in the morning that day, cuz I was chatting to F & his bro, Carlos. Also before the concert I hung around Tiff and Yo in the city. I have had such an awesome weekend, but just really tired now... I think I may be falling sick cuz of my lack of rest. :/

wELL....If I do manage to get some pics, I will put them up. I've just been humming BOYZ II MEN songs all morning. hehe...

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