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My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)
Ode to the departed. (Good Enough)
Thursday. 4.26.07 4:05 am
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Naked Man
Friday. 4.20.07 1:28 pm
We drew a naked man yesterday.

Yes, yes. I know they're technically known as "models", but this way you know how I feel about it.
Which is akward.

I mean, during the actual drawing process I maintained professionalism and concentrated on my work, but the before and after (especially the after) still felt akward. I don't care how you spin this, at the end of the day I STILL drew a naked man.

I was just glad that for most of the poses he had his back towards me.
The joys of being at the end of a semi-circle seating arrangement.


I feel like I've learned alot in this class. Mostly stuff I didn't even know I could do. I guess after having Stephen Sloan as a roommate (null null http://essiss.deviantart.com/ ) well, I guess I just kinda lost belief in my own drawing abilities.

But according to my professor, I'm not half bad.


That one's crooked because of the camera.


And personally, I HATE doing inkwash...

So, I guess, there's still much to learn. I mean in more than just drawing class. Sometimes I get too wrapped up with the knowledge that I already know (that no one listens to) and manage to forget learning more.

So, yeay for advancing one's own knowledge!


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