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Winter Retreat 2011
Tuesday, January 16, 2011
I went on a Winter Retreat with my Rotaract club this weekend up to Truckee and we came back today. It was so much fun and definitely a very good bonding experience. I didn't get to bond with everyone that went but now I'm glad that I went.

After I got dropped off, I went to lunch with my boyfriend and cleaned up around the apartment before my parents came up. When they did, we kind of just chilled around the house and then had hot pot. Now I have to do an online bio prelab that's due at 9am on Monday even though we don't have classes.

I think I'm going to aim for smaller blog entries that what I'm used to doing. I think that way, it will encourage me to update more often since I don't have to really write out my day detail to detail.

Plugs: randomjunk

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Interesting Article
Thursday, January 13, 2011
An article titled Why Chinese (and other Asian) are Superior. (I don't know why but I can't get the link to work so the url is http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.html)

I know some people will be offended just by the title but I really think it's worth reading. Now, I'm Chinese and I want to raise my children in pretty much the Chinese/Asian fashion. My parents were never as strict as the author of this article and I definitely feel that, because of this, I've wasted many years of my life not accomplishing much. Other people would probably think my parents were comparatively really strict, but they weren't. I think they realized that in the recent years and have tried to be more strict with my brother but it's a little bit too late. They were too lenient in the early parts of his life and I pretty much see him as a failure. I know that's kind of harsh to say about your own brother, but it's the truth.

My boyfriend is Chinese too but even though his parents were immigrants, he was raised in more of a Western way. Thankfully, my boyfriend was the middle child and somehow turned out the best. I guess overall, they aren't that bad if I compared it to everyone in the US. But if my children were like them, I would seriously cry.

Plugs: Kirei, Nuttz

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Another Year!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Well, another year has past and I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with this blog. I was going to make it into a food blog so that I could have all the recipes that I've tried and whether or not they were successful all in one place, but that never happened. Mainly because my boyfriend and I didn't really cook a lot of a new stuff. We've pretty much only been cooking things that we've made before or foods that are relatively easy to cook (like steak or noodle soup). Another reason that I haven't given much thought to this blog is because I've started using tumblr a lot more. I love being able to reblog all the gorgeous pictures that I find on other people's tumblr's. Lol (my tumblr is http://cammie91.tumblr.com in case you're interested). I swear I will one day find something to do with this blog. But for now, it's just going to sit here. Sorry :(

Also, I realize that my layout is somewhat off now. I'm not sure if it's because nutang changed something or if it's because I'm using a different computer. I'll have to remember to change that too.

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Sorry, Rant
Monday, September 28, 2009
I was seriously mad last night. Tiff found out that Ken and Rosanne broke up because she saw that Rosanne changed her status to 'single'. She didn't know any of the details and she's not even close to them at all. But she was like hecka upset and taking is personally for some reason. The problem is that she's blaming Ken for EVERYTHING and she doesn't know any of the details. And when she found out that Ken was hanging out with other girls, she was like "what the heck! he just broke up recently and now he's hanging out with girls already. there's no way that they are just friends". To me, Ken is the type of person that can be just friends with girls. Most of our group were girls anyways and we were all friends so Tiffany doesn't make sense. And then Yolanda was thinking that maybe Tiffany is worried about her own relationship. Which would explain what she did later on. Apparently Binh was on oovoo with Thomas and Ken Lim and they had girls over. So the girls were on the webcam and on Thomas's aim talking to Binh and Tiffany got heck of mad. She apparently even called Thomas about it. She's acting really insecure about her relationship with Binh even though she told me that Binh's already made up his mind about marrying her. *sigh*

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