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Chugging Along
Monday. 6.25.07 11:36 am
This past Friday was the first day that Michael EVER went to the gym with me. Ever. Seriously, what a momentous occasion. (Michael, if you are reading this, than boo hoo ka chu at you). But yeah, after some weight/circuit training, we stopped by 32nd to get some protein goodness at GNC and to check if they had Resident Evil 4 for the Wii. They didn’t, so we drove over to Game Crazy in National City and I picked it up there. Honestly, I like the game a lot, but I HATE how suspenseful it is; it gives me anxiety everytime I play it lol.

The weekend was much needed, and I did monopolize on it. I slept in until a little before 12 Saturday, then Lani called me up and we did a Pho run to Pho ti Cali and a boba run to Tea Station. After that, we mozied on down to 32nd street to pick up some wine for a swanky party Lani was attending with her dad that evening. She dropped me off around 3ish and as soon as I got home I was out and about again with my family to Valley View Casino to have a redux of my dad’s birthday party.

It took like an hour to get there from where we live (Southeast San Diego to freakin’ Valley Center) but the drive went by fast enough. Valley View has expanded since the last time I went with Danica and Michael a while back; obviously not as enormous as Barona Valley Ranch or Viejas, but that’s cool with me. Sometimes I just want to go to something that doesn’t feel too extravagant.

So we were all starving by the time we pulled into a parking space, but being as clueless and careless as I can be sometimes, I got stalled at the door for looking too young(!) and for not having any valid i.d. beyond my Players Club Card. My parents, especially my mom, was PISSED, but I acted fast, and through some fast-talking with the security manager on duty, let us get through. Haha, I’m flattered that they think I’m NOT over 21. [=

Sunday I slept in some more and later on in the afternoon went to the gym to work on my fitness with my parents. Afterwards, we stopped by California Produce off of Plaza in National City and picked up some really inexpensive fruits, dropped off some mangoes at my Auntie Pat’s house, and then finally went home. Michael stopped by later in the evening and watched while I played RE4 until I couldn’t take anymore stress.

I have never really used my Macbook for anything besides homework and Photobooth fun, but it came with like a million programs that are all functional and serve a purpose. I tried my hand at iMovie with the iSight yesterday, but I deleted that shortly afterwards. Amateur. =p

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Friday. 6.8.07 5:24 pm
Ok, so I decided to try out online data backup just because it was available and FREE, so yeah. Right now I’m using this software called MOZY. It’s totally free for up to 2 gigs of backup (in my case, my iPhoto library and songs) and I guess I can get another 256 megabytes free for every person who signs up with my referral code.

SO, if you want a resource-light software backup thing that is available anywhere, please go to https://mozy.com/?ref=GU77FD or go to www.mozy.com and when you’re signing up for FREE put in my referral code which is GU77FD. It's available for both Windows and MAC OSX users.

Thanks to anyone who does [=


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